JoinedPosts by Gretchen956
Record breaking!!!
by arker ini want to break the record for number of replies to a post!
i don't know how many that would be but i think it's a lot.
so if you could please reply with however long or short a reply you want.
Record breaking!!!
by arker ini want to break the record for number of replies to a post!
i don't know how many that would be but i think it's a lot.
so if you could please reply with however long or short a reply you want.
Barry Bond's record breaking homerun ball:
Record breaking!!!
by arker ini want to break the record for number of replies to a post!
i don't know how many that would be but i think it's a lot.
so if you could please reply with however long or short a reply you want.
Record breaking paper airplane:
Record breaking!!!
by arker ini want to break the record for number of replies to a post!
i don't know how many that would be but i think it's a lot.
so if you could please reply with however long or short a reply you want.
Bush leave Australia and don't come back!
by WT=watchtrouble inlmao sorry but i dislike the evil president.
who does he think he is coming over to oz and expecting us to close down a city, put on hundreds of police and spend millions of dollars for his protection.
thousands of lifes have been lost because of this freak.
Yup I did copy it, and for a good reason, I couldn't think of it all in a minute or two. But don't think I don't mean every one of them. One of the first things he did on coming in to office was to weaken the laws about allowing arsenic in the drinking water supply. Why? Industry wanted to not have to pay for the more stringent controls. Then he put people like "heckuvajob Brownie" in charge of FEMA, look what that did to New Orleans! He has stifled freedom of speech, tramped on the constitution, allowed torture (Abu Grab and other places). How can you look at this man and his ever present smirk, and not be sickened?
Edited to add - I'm looking for work right now, but since most of the jobs in my career path have been outsourced to overseas sweatshops, I'm having trouble. I can work 80 hours a week at two lower paying jobs to MAKE MY RENT and a few bills, still not having enough to go to a movie or out to dinner. Do I think Bush has something to do with that? Hell yes. My last job was a one-year contract temp job with no insurance. Right now I have a sinus infection and a bladder infection. But I can't afford to go to the doctor and get medicine. Do I blame Bush for that? Hell YES.
I'm done, enough of this bad energy today.
Are You Sure That You Don't Still Think & Act Like A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus indo you still have jw traits left remaining within you?
be honest.
Nope, I can honestly say I do not.
Bush leave Australia and don't come back!
by WT=watchtrouble inlmao sorry but i dislike the evil president.
who does he think he is coming over to oz and expecting us to close down a city, put on hundreds of police and spend millions of dollars for his protection.
thousands of lifes have been lost because of this freak.
most people that hate Bush have no idea why. It's just the 'cool' thing to do.
Hmmm lets count the reasons:
1. Tax cuts leading to massive, unprecedented deficits
2. Preemptive wars against non-aggressive nations
3. Sanctioning of torture
4. De-regulation of environment protections
5. Weakening of the separation of church and state
6. Exempting the gun industry from lawsuits
7. Weakening of individual privacy protections
8. Rejection of international organizations - U.N., World Court, etc.
9. Increased hatred of the U.S.A. in Islamic countries
10. Increase in terrorist attacks since 9/11
11. Neglect of poverty in the U.S.A. and abroad
12. Shifting the tax burden from wealthy corporations and individuals to wage earners
13. Reducing (hoping to abolish) estate taxes thus creating "a permanent aristocracy" in America
14. Furthering anti-intellectualism - a president who admittedly does not read and is embarrassingly inarticulate
15. Increased military spending; hostility to spending for social services
16. Increased number of Americans without health care
17. Rejection of minimum wage increases - five consecutive years
18. Applying the principle of awarding lucrative contracts to crony companies without competitive bidding
19. Attempts to privatize Social Security
20. Four consecutive years of increases in the percentage of Americans living in povertyYea, I think I have pretty good reasons to despise the man.
Bush leave Australia and don't come back!
by WT=watchtrouble inlmao sorry but i dislike the evil president.
who does he think he is coming over to oz and expecting us to close down a city, put on hundreds of police and spend millions of dollars for his protection.
thousands of lifes have been lost because of this freak.
oops, double post, my bad.
Bush leave Australia and don't come back!
by WT=watchtrouble inlmao sorry but i dislike the evil president.
who does he think he is coming over to oz and expecting us to close down a city, put on hundreds of police and spend millions of dollars for his protection.
thousands of lifes have been lost because of this freak.
He was elected by majority vote, which means that the majority of Americans who showed up at the polls DID vote for him.
Actually this isn't true. At least for the first time, Al Gore got more of the popular vote but GW locked up the electoral college votes. They took that to the Supreme Court, who, luckily daddy had staffed, so he was elected president by the Supreme Court. That was the first time, the second time he BARELY won the popular vote, and many many many that voted for him both times sincerely regret it.
He's a bastard, no mistake.
Bush leave Australia and don't come back!
by WT=watchtrouble inlmao sorry but i dislike the evil president.
who does he think he is coming over to oz and expecting us to close down a city, put on hundreds of police and spend millions of dollars for his protection.
thousands of lifes have been lost because of this freak.
Why don't you guys keep him down there? Please?