but Armageddon is a place not an event. lol
Armageddon as explained by the WTS is a situation. Basically, it is the last event of the "great tribulatoin" when Jehovah starts to kill off people loyal to the world governments. Governments are only in the minds of the people loyal to them. Kill off enough people and the government ceases to exist.
Armageddon thus is the "situation" where Jehovah and Christ face off against the ruling powers in the world. World rule must shift from the nations to Christ's kingdom at some point. That transition doesn't happen without the nations being destroyed since they don't give up world rule voluntarily. Specifically, the UN world government face off with Jehovah's armies when their time is up.
One thing that might be a bit different than the way the WTS depicts Armageddon, is that the spoils of the world will be spared for the survivors. So killing off masses of people will probably not be via massive earthquakes and thunder and lightning and volcanic eruption. Why leave a "post nuclear" world for the survivors to inherit and clean up, when you can do an Exodus number on them and just kill off everybody in their sleep? The context of Armageddon is a great feast of bodies for the birds to eat, not a lot of destroyed buildings. The Bible also says that people will go mad and will start killing themselves off. So in reality, lots and lots and lots of dead bodies being eaten by the birds, not a lot of thunder and lightning. The world's infrastructure will thus basically be left intact.
Isa 6:13 suggests one-third of the earth's population will survive to be ruled over by Christ and the 144,000.
So that is something wonderful to look forward to! World peace. One king. One priest. One religion. Good health. Life for 1000 years until Satan is let loose at the end of 1000 years. A world without the influence of Satan for 1000 years. Time for a change.
Of course, everybody will be equal so everybody will be basically doing their own laundry, living under their own vine and their own fig tree, essentially. That is, a world where everyone is equal and there is no lower class resembles a communistic state, doesn't it, except there will be no dishonest greedy politicians cheating everybody out of the common wealth. No doctors needed but in general everyone will do their part and share in the bounty. There will be no rich upper class, but also no poverty either.