When does God intervene in the affairs of mankind?

by abiather 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • abiather

    Though many sages have tried to describe God and his purpose, the best they could do was to declare neti, neti (not this, not this). To the question of God, even Buddha responded with silence! Jesus declared: “Truth will set you free” but did not say what that truth is! (John 8:31) Context of this verse shows that he was evasive even to the question ‘who are you?” (John 8:25) He did not use his super-human skill to prove the existence of God in a way that would satisfy everyone—including atheists and agnostics. If God were to use any book, he would have used a small book with minimum verses of absolute simplicity and clarity ruling out all the possibility for scholars to interpret it for others!

    With scriptures giving often conflicting views, people are left to make their conclusion about God taking into consideration certain mysteries/contradictions such as:

    1) He gifts life that is dying every moment.

    2) He has left his creation on its own, yet each is required to reap what he sows.

    3) He has endowed man with qualities that can either be increased to resemble Him or be decreased to resemble lower beings.

    4) He may not act/respond as His creation expects. For example, Judas Iscariot (who reflected the haste of Jews of his time to see the Roman yoke to be lifted) perhaps thought Jesus would use his superhuman powers if he is pushed into being arrested by the Romans. Jesus too expected God would save him at the last moment (He cried: “Father, why have you forsaken me?”)

    5) The general divisions of nature (ether, air, fire, water, earth) are made mutually inimical but generously sustain life.

    6) He allows even those who deny His existence to live and enjoy life.

    Behind this facade, there must be a grand purpose—something which religious leaders could not understand. This means He wants us to discern His purpose for us ourselves. Throughout history, there have always been a few who chose to lead a saintly life (proving, everyone could do the same if they choose to do so which explains why God does not have to intervene in the affairs of mankind) !

    His intervention becomes a must only if humans mismanage things to the extent of total destruction!

    When does God intervene in the affairs of mankind?

    ...Image result for word never

    ....... https://robinhl.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/god-watching-tv.jpg?w=300&h=187

  • abiather

    Prompt response with appropriate pictures.

    Prompt response with appropriate pictures......abiather


  • cofty
    ether, air, fire, water, earth


    We all stopped believing in ether 400 years ago.

    Read a book FFS!

  • jwleaks
    When a human does it for him.
  • abiather

    Enjoyed your wit. Yet it conceals the frustration that God will never intervene in the affairs of mankind. He will at the appropriate time.

    When Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed, people thought the world will end one day in a massive use of bombs of all types. Now emission into the atmosphere by our industries and automobiles are going to do the work of ending the civilization on earth sooner than expected. Before that happens, God would intervene!

  • cofty
  • abiather


    Five elements are the part of the intuitive explanations of the physical structure of the world! It’s more of philosophical than physical.

    Look at our bodies! We find in them solids, liquids, body-heat, air-circulation and space (or ether) they all occupy. Human body is exact representation of the physical world we find outside. Hence the ancient people taught physical world—including our physical bodies—are made of panchabhoothas (five basic or primordial elements): Land, Water, Fire, Air and Ether (or space—for example atoms are 99.999999999999 % empty space; and universe too is more of space than objects floating in it) and is called prapancha (meaning the play and interaction of the five elements) in Sanskrit.

    The point I wanted to highlight was not the division into 5 elements, but their relationship with each other. These five elements are individually inimical to each other. For example, water of oceans can swallow earth, fire can evaporate the water, air can suck fire … etc. Yet they are collectively supportive, working for the sustenance of all inanimate and animate beings. Thus they make our lives enjoyable! This is a silent lesson the five elements teach the intelligent humans that they should be more and more supportive to each other despite the diverse variety in their geography, race, religion, nationality, thinking, attitude, likes and dislikes!

    These five physical elements have their emergent properties or corresponding sensations: Smell, Taste, Light, Sound and Pressure (or touch). And there are five corresponding sense-organs in living beings to experience them: Nose, Tongue, Eyes, Ears and Skin. We can list living beings into five general categories: ONE-SENSED Plants able to feel pressure through their skin; TWO-SENSED Worms able to feel pressure through their skin and taste through their tongue; THREE-SENSED Insects able to feel pressure, taste, and smell through their skin, tongue and nose respectively; FOUR-SENSED Reptiles able to feel pressure, taste, smell and sight through their skin, tongue, nose and eyes respectively; and FIVE-SENSED Birds & Animals able to feel pressure, taste, smell, sight and sound through their skin, tongue, nose, eyes and ears respectively.

    Hence, better not to get struck with the word. Neither ether nor space is a correct translation of the Sanskrit word akash! Interestingly, no one has coined a correct word so far! In sanskrit, akash means much more than space!

  • cofty


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