First you're predicting a date for the end; second you're elevating
the Watchtower to a position where they are an actual fulfillment of
certain scriptures.
Why not throw in the Mormons and the
Apostolic Reformation? There are other religions that are authoritarian
and absurd so why should God focus on just the Witnesses?
OK. Let me try to be brief. Why JWs? A picture tells a thousand words, right? How about this?
Russel is buried under a seeing-eye Satanic pyramid, the same pyramid you find on the dollar bill linked with Freemasonry. The Bible says the WTS was infiltrated early on by Freemasons and the Illuminati. Remember when Russell firs started? It was all about ZIONISM. They didn't collect any money. Why? They had a backer. Who backed them? The Jews did. B'nai-B'rith. Why do you think the Nazis focused on JWs as spies? Because they taught about a paradise earth and believed in Jesus? No. It was because of their known links to the Jewish underground.
Now quickly switch channels. The Bible says after Christ established Christianity that there would be an apostasy and that for a while there would be no temple recognized, that is, no Christian organization that would be considered the temple. This absence of a temple, though, was linked to chronology: 2300 evenings and mornings. And evening and morning is one day so this means 1150 years out of a period of 1260 years ending in 1996 (don't ask, smile). Anyway, going back 1260 years from 1996 gets us to 736 AD, around the time the Catholic Church finally organized all the churches and they instituted Easter Sunday in place of Passover. The churches stopped celebrating the Lord's Supper on Passover. This would last for 1150 years during which time there would be no temple sect. But the "temple in its right condition" would be recognized after the 1150 years, meaning around 1886 for 110 years up to 1996. That is 1996 minus 110 is also 1886. So what happened in 1886? That was the beginning of a new religion. That was the year the first "Studies in the Scriptures" was published by the WTS.
So yes, believe it or not, on a spiritual level, Jehovah's witnesses would be the organization to preach the good news and through which the second coming messiah would appear, even though in the end, their governing body would become apostate. So far from a non-mention, they are mentioned more than any other religion. The WTS and it's governing body fulfill:
1. The evil slave
2. The sluggish slave.
4. They are the "man of lawlessness" who rise up in God's own house, that house being JWs.
5 They are the lamb-dragon beast that comes out of the earth. Which means they are the false prophet also.
6. The parable about the vineyard workers is about the WTS.
7. The parable about the "rich man and Lazarus" is about them.
8. The parable about the ten virgins is about them.
9. When compared to the Jews, they are the "lesser number" and the "few." The Jews are the "greater number" and the many. But note the HOLOCAUST. Focused on the Jews. Focused on the "holy ones" but look who is right there being persecuted with them? JWs!
So whether you get it or not, they are very, very, very much a part of Bible prophecy and the 2nd coming and all that.
When it says, "the good news will be preached in all the inhabited earth and then the END will come." That is about NH Knorr going on a worldwide speaking tour early in 1947. The "end" came on November 30, 1947 when the Jews got their homeland back. So the "end" was not Armageddon, but the true "end of the gentile times" and, indeed, the good news was worldwide by then from just one congregation in the late 1880's! They fulfill all of that!
When the Bible says that Jesus is impaled in "Sodom and Egypt" at the time of the second coming, Sodom and Egypt represent the partnership of the WTS and the UN, the WTS representing "sodom" and the UN "Egypt" relating to the Egyptian Mysteries and the Illuminati and all that. Ironic the WTS headquarters are linked to Sodom, but we have heard about the problem with homosexuality at Bethel so maybe it is much worse than we think. Anyway, they try to prevent the second coming with the help of the UN. They manage to do that for 3.5 days. The 2nd coming was supposed to occur on the day of the winter solstice on December 21, 1992, but it was prevented with the help of the WTS who identified for the UN the Christ. So Jehovah killed Fred Franz the next day on the 22nd of December, 1992. Look it up. The 2nd coming occurred 3.5 days later as prophesied on December 25, 1992. So basically, the first Jesus comes through the tribe of Judah and King David through the natural Jews. But when Christ returns the second time he comes through "spiritual Israel" meaning JWs, the temple organization. That's why so many prophecies relate to them, because they become the evil slave and the antichrist.
Okay. I've said nothing. Just wanted to let you know what happens at the spiritual level. The WTS is the focus of what is going on in the spiritual world, only now they are about to be destroyed with the rest of Christendom. They belong to Satan now. Everything has happend as prophesied. Everything!