Why cant the significant sign be, ... significant? Probably because of a lack of imagination and/or education of the scam artists who wrote that crap down in the 1st place.
We live in the information age, the excuses for falling for this claptrap are getting smaller every day.
Well, can't blame anyone for skepticism. BUT, it does appear the beginning of the great tribulation is associated in the Bible with two eclipses, a solar eclipse followed by a lunar eclipse. That's the first thing. Could this also be symbolic? Sure? But it's astronomy based because a lunar eclipse causes the moon to turn to blood.
The second thing, though, is how close we are to the UN taking over world government. Russia discussed this coalition of world governments in one world government under the UN but was skeptical only because they didn't want to join a world government that was just a puppet to US dictates. It's actually being discussed as a reality.
The UN must be the "eighth beast" that rules, that is, the last world power. Per the Bible it will rule for 1 year and 3 months (Daniel 7:12 "But as for the rest of the beasts, their rulerships were taken away, and there was a lengthening in life given to them for a time and a season." ) This reflects the nations joining the U.N. as the final world power. That's happening. Per the Bible during this time the UN will establish "peace and security" and when that happens then Armageddon is supposed to occur.
So just based on how powerful the UN is now, every solar eclipse-lunar eclipse combination, especially falling on Jewish festival dates would be a special focus anyway. So why NOT these two eclipses on March 20 and April 4th? World government makes sense. No nation today can survive isolated from the global community, including and especially the U.S. who owes all that debt.
This is the point where the UN destroys the harlot, Babylon the Great. But part of that is taking away all her wealth. So one incentive for world government is to get rid of national debts owed to international bankers and drug cartels.
So ultimately we are in critical expectation of the UN taking over to bring on Armageddon within a year. The fact that two eclipses are associated with the "Day of Jehovah" occurring soon simply heightens that alertness.
What this means is after April 4th there maybe a global economic crash that pushes the nations to join the UN and give it world authority. In that process, Babylon the Great will be destroyed. That means the the "Illuminati-based" secret organizations will be outlawed, including most specifically, the Federal Reserve and the CIA. So when that happens, basically we have a year and 3 months to go to Armageddon. The UN takeover of world government signals the beginning of the "Day of Jehovah" and the point of no return.
So many things were already happening and now we have these strange eclipses. That's all. Two eclipses are supposed to happen just before the "great tribulation" begins and we have two occurring March 20 and April 4. So. Ignore at your own risk.