I gave up caring what that book said a long, long time ago. You may as well be asking me about Grimm Fairy Tales. So your point, although relevant and meaningful to you, is complete and utter rubbish to me.
I told you it was a "trick" question. You fell right into my trap. But you're very vulnerable, emotional, arrogant, angry, but all that covers a lot of hurt. But you're very vulnerable to me because you are AWAKE! You're intelligent and you're awake. But I can see you're quite charming.
Anyway, thanks for failing the test. That was FUN! Now. I'm going to warn you now not to read another single word I say, because the next post I put up is going to be designed just for you. I'm going to "mind fk U" basically, which I'm an expert at doing. In the meantime, you were right about my North European ancestry. I have two lines of ancestry out of Germany and England. But I'm also part Black and part Cherokee, since we're counting ancestors. Just so you can put a face to a name, check out my recent selfie, posted elsewhere.
(check me out in another post on this topic -- I actually can't stand that picture, but it's recent, what can I say?)
Sorry you ended up not believing the Bible, but I understand that happens for intense people.
Cheerio! (Don't trust me. Don't trust yourself from here on out...)