Stop trying to make sense out of nonsense. It will never work.
You mean, it will never work for YOU. It always works for MOI.
i've been thinking and here's what i've come up with.
correct me if i'm wrong, but in the bible does it not state that the word would have to be preached throughout the entire inhabited earth for a witness to all people and then the end would come?.
with the world being as vast as it is today, it would be practically impossible for the witnesses to speak to everyone in the world.
Stop trying to make sense out of nonsense. It will never work.
You mean, it will never work for YOU. It always works for MOI.
i've been thinking and here's what i've come up with.
correct me if i'm wrong, but in the bible does it not state that the word would have to be preached throughout the entire inhabited earth for a witness to all people and then the end would come?.
with the world being as vast as it is today, it would be practically impossible for the witnesses to speak to everyone in the world.
When Jesus spoke of the "end" he was talking not about Armageddon but the "END of the gentile times." He was speaking to Jews and they were obsessed with when they would be restored to their homeland again. They were very conscious they were outside of God's favor and understood when God's anger rested against them they would be restored to their homeland and become a nation again.
So the end of the "age" of the "end of the system of things" to them, was the current system of things that had them in bondage, thus they longed for the "end" to come.
So the preaching of the "good news" worldwide has a specific fulfillment in relation to November 30, 1947, when the official "end of the gentile times" occurred. Just before the end would occur, the "good news" which was to be preached by JWs, would have been spread worldwide. To emphasize that, early in 1947, president N.H. Knorr went on a worldwide speaking tour. Thus he literally preached the good news worldwide, that is, throughout Christendom nations, and then the end came on November 30, 1947.
Anyway, that is the actual fulfillment of that prophecy. The worldwide speaking tour by NH Knorr in early 1947 that saw the "end" come on November 30, 1947. Recount in Luke a reference to the "end of the apointed times of the nations" showing the context of the Jewish focus on when they would be restored to their homeland. That is the "end of the system of things" = the "end of the appointed times of the nations" that they were talking about. Not Armageddon.
So. That prophecy was, indeed, fulfilled.
underpinning all the claims of the jw org is a belief in the sanctity of the bible as gods word.
this holy assumption is certainly never challenged by the watchtower and neither does the believer dare to use critical thinking to evaluate the source of his or her beliefs.
the watchtower org, for obvious reasons would not do this as they would need to sell up and hand back the money were they to admit that the bible is just a piece of literature and not divine in origin.
[ religious nuttery removed ]
the bible does say that the "day of jehovah" (armageddon) would be associated with the sun becoming dark followed by the moon turning to blood.
but the moon turning to blood is specific to a total lunar eclipse.
Dear "Witness My Fury" For some reason you have a very special effect on me. I don't know what it is. But I had to take a nap to get up enough focus just to give you the time of day. It's 8:04 a.m.
BTW, do you know DJS? Can you believe him? What a sitting duck! This is going to be FUN! See you around!
P.S. What I can't figure out is that I've gotten older and bitchier over the years and you're still a child? I can't figure that out WMF??? !!! (grin)
the bible does say that the "day of jehovah" (armageddon) would be associated with the sun becoming dark followed by the moon turning to blood.
but the moon turning to blood is specific to a total lunar eclipse.
I gave up caring what that book said a long, long time ago. You may as well be asking me about Grimm Fairy Tales. So your point, although relevant and meaningful to you, is complete and utter rubbish to me.
I told you it was a "trick" question. You fell right into my trap. But you're very vulnerable, emotional, arrogant, angry, but all that covers a lot of hurt. But you're very vulnerable to me because you are AWAKE! You're intelligent and you're awake. But I can see you're quite charming.
Anyway, thanks for failing the test. That was FUN! Now. I'm going to warn you now not to read another single word I say, because the next post I put up is going to be designed just for you. I'm going to "mind fk U" basically, which I'm an expert at doing. In the meantime, you were right about my North European ancestry. I have two lines of ancestry out of Germany and England. But I'm also part Black and part Cherokee, since we're counting ancestors. Just so you can put a face to a name, check out my recent selfie, posted elsewhere.
(check me out in another post on this topic -- I actually can't stand that picture, but it's recent, what can I say?)
Sorry you ended up not believing the Bible, but I understand that happens for intense people.
Cheerio! (Don't trust me. Don't trust yourself from here on out...)
the bible does say that the "day of jehovah" (armageddon) would be associated with the sun becoming dark followed by the moon turning to blood.
but the moon turning to blood is specific to a total lunar eclipse.
VIVIANE! Girl! You are a piece of work! You are very high on your horses, lady. But I'm higher. Trust me on that. So let's start our little competition. I'll use your basic rule: Prove your point. I can't believe how arrogant you are, though. But I'm amused. I like people who at least think for themselves. So play a little game with me, won't you? I'm going to ask you ONE SIMPLE QUESTION. It's easy to figure out. But after you answer the question, I'd like to know if you just figured it out after I asked you or if you knew this all along?
Now if you should decide not to play and not answer the question, dear, I'm going to have a different response for you. Trust Me. I've been at this much longer than you have, sweetie. Okay? This is just me and you, SHARING Bible topics, okay? Now try to focus for me just for a second here. Here we go:
QUESTION: Matthew 12:40 says Jesus was in the grave for "three nights." Jesus rose on a Saturday night. So:
That's the question but it's a trick question because it has only one answer. I'm wondering if you're smart enough to figure it out? So show everybody how really smart you are by getting this simple answer right. But also let us know did you just figure this out or was this something you had always understood as a result of your vast amounts of knowledge accumulated by your studies.
And oh yes. Do you know "DJS"? He's almost your alter ego, except I think his ego is a bit bigger than yours, but not much. Anyway he said:
These were all white men with essentially the same N. European DNA, just like you Charlie.
So just so YOU and HE know who they are talking to, you know, just to put a face with a name, I took this selfie a few months ago on Halloween: THANKS FOR YOUR ANSWER! I appreciate it.
the bible does say that the "day of jehovah" (armageddon) would be associated with the sun becoming dark followed by the moon turning to blood.
but the moon turning to blood is specific to a total lunar eclipse.
Thank you for sharing your point of view. You do realize, of course, is that you were just sharing your opinion of non-belief. But I share your betrayal by the WTS. But things are a bit different with me.
Like you, Charlie, they sought to elevate themselves above everyone else by pontificating their special knowledge and judgments. They and they alone have the keys to salvation.
The big difference between me and you and everybody else is that I'M THE REAL DEAL. You talk tough, but you can match that with any authority. I have the Biblical authority that not even the WTS has. But this is a no-brainer because if this is true, I should be able to demonstrate it, right? So let's do a quick test here and compare myself to you. If I'm able to teach you something from the Bible you didn't know before, then that suggests I actually know more than you, right? Or if you have some belief in the Bible that I'm able to show is incorrect, then that means maybe I have more Biblical understanding than you.
God likes these kinds of competitions, like when Elijah and the prophets of Baal had a competition, or even like the 10 plagues. So let me annoy you just a little more, if you will humor me, okay? Okay. I'll try to keep it simple.
You're so smart right? Smarter than me. That's what we're assuming. So I'll just ask you a simple question. It might be a trick question though, so watch out. It's a test of Bible knowledge and understanding. It relates to the DAY OF THE WEEK that Jesus died. The trick question is:
Matthew 12:40 says Jesus would be in the grave for "three nights." Jesus rose on a Saturday night. So,
Now if you're so smart, you should be able to answer this question with no problem. But after you do answer it, I'd like to know whether or not you just figured it out or if you already knew it? Since you're a witness or former witness, we'll accept the year we are speaking of is 33 CE.
Now if you don't answer the question or you slip and slide and try to get cute or think you're too arrogant to answer a simple question, then I'm going to do exactly what you did. "Pontificate" on your butt. Got it? So this is Baal vs. Elijah (you can be either one, we're looking for a winner here). If you no longer believe the Bible, that's fine, you can bow out. I'm not sure exactly what your concept of God and the Bible is right now. Thanks.
i'm just curious about something & wonder if the experts could help.. basically i am documenting all of the main lines of evidence for the jws being the one & then investigating each claim systematically.. i have now reached the dreaded november 1st, 2011 watchtower & am sitting in front of a copy of cartes du ciel and a babylonian calendar converter i found at
i realise these claims have been challenged and documented in depth elsewhere, but i'm keen to do my own research rather than copy & paste.
my question is regarding date conversion - when inputting the gregorian dates as given at the bottom of the tablet's translation i found at then the lunar positions all seemed pretty close (visually, i wasn't dealing with exact degrees here).
Why JWs suddenly like the VAT4956? This is beyond belief. It's a FLUKE! What happened was that in Line 3, there is a reference to the "Moon being 1 cubit in front of the Rear Foot of the Lion (GIR ar sa UR-A)" That was falsely translated by Hunger as "1 cubit in front of beta-Virginis." This reference does is not a match for 568 BC and is so noted by the translators. But by strange and unfortunate coincidence, the moon is in that position in 588 BC! So now, all of a sudden, the WTS likes the VAT4956 since they can claim that there is a lunar match for Line 3 for 588 BC. And it is, but only coincidentally so. Why?
Because hermann Hunger lies about the star assignment in Line 3. Line 3 is a reference to the "Rear Foot of the Lion" meaning the rear foot of Leo, which is SIGMA-LEONIS, not beta-Virginis. Lines 14 and 18 prove that beta-Virginis in this text is called the "Bright Star Behind the Lion's Foot" (MUL KUR sa TiL GIR UR-A). Thus line 3 and lines 14 and 18 refer to two different stars. The Bright Star Behind the Lions Foot is beta-Virginis. But the Rear Foot of the Lion is sigma-Leonis, the natural rear foot of Leo. So when this was pointed out to Herman Hunger who translated this text, he had to admit he was wrong and he had to correct this.
The CORRECTION for Line 3 is to assign the "Rear Foot of the Lion" (GIR ar sa UR-A) to the proper rear foot of Leo, which is sigma-Leonis. So actually, the text match for Line 3 would be the moon 1 cubit in front of sigma-Leonis and not "beta-Virginis" as Hunger incorrectly states. Thus the WTS who jumped onto claiming there was a match for Line 3 in 588 BCE, have matched the wrong star based on Hunger's error. They found a coincidental match for the moon 1 cubit in front of beta-Virginis in a text that actually requires a match to 1 cubit in front of sigma-Leonis. So the WTS only found a coincidental match based on Hunger's lies and deceptions in the translation and star assignments. But when this is corrected, of course, the match evaporates.
But what does that matter when the 70 years begin in year 23 rather than year 18? 607 BCE is wrong and 588 BC is wrong academically and fundamentally, long before the errors and misrepresentations in the VAT4956 by Hunger come into play.
Bottom line, dealing with the VAT4956 is very complex and ends up being a very big joke if you don't correct the transliteration, which most are clueless to do.
The VAT4956 doesn't happen to work for 607 BCE, but you can dismiss that date as a total false date using the Bible, which begins the 70 years in year 23, or using Josephus who also begins the 70 years in year 23, not year 18.
i'm just curious about something & wonder if the experts could help.. basically i am documenting all of the main lines of evidence for the jws being the one & then investigating each claim systematically.. i have now reached the dreaded november 1st, 2011 watchtower & am sitting in front of a copy of cartes du ciel and a babylonian calendar converter i found at
i realise these claims have been challenged and documented in depth elsewhere, but i'm keen to do my own research rather than copy & paste.
my question is regarding date conversion - when inputting the gregorian dates as given at the bottom of the tablet's translation i found at then the lunar positions all seemed pretty close (visually, i wasn't dealing with exact degrees here).
588 BC is a JOKE because the 70 years Josephus talks about begin in year 23, the year of the last deportation. The WTS knows this! They know the 70 years begin with the last deportation. The "poor people" who spend 70 years in exile off the land are the last people moved off the land. The land cannot begin to pay back its sabbaths for 70 years until all the people are off the land! That did not occur until year 23 because those who ran down to Egypt returned to Judea for a short whlie. So the land was not desolate until after they left in year 23.
JW get 607 BCE by adding 70 years to 537 BCE and claim that year 18 of Nebuchadnezzar is the year Jerusalem fell and thus 607 BCE and year 18 are the same year. But that's just not the case. the 70 years don't begin until the last deportation. People were left in the land after Jerusalem was burned down by the Babylonians. The land had to be completely desolate to begin the 70 years. That did not begin until year 23.
So let me QUOTE:
Josephus, Antiquities 9:7 "7. And when they were there, God signified to the prophet that the king of Babylon was about making an expedition against the Egyptians, and commanded him to foretell to the people that Egypt should be taken, and the king of Babylon should slay some of them and, should take others captive, and bring them to Babylon; which things came to pass accordingly; for on the fifth year after the destruction of Jerusalem, which was the twenty-third of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, he made an expedition against Celesyria; and when he had possessed himself of it, he made war against the Ammonites and Moabites; and when he had brought all these nations under subjection, he fell upon Egypt, in order to overthrow it; and he slew the king that then reigned (16) and set up another; and he took those Jews that were there captives, and led them away to Babylon. And such was the end of the nation of the Hebrews, as it hath been delivered down to us, it having twice gone beyond Euphrates; for the people of the ten tribes were carried out of Samaria by the Assyrians, in the days of king Hoshea; after which the people of the two tribes that remained after Jerusalem was taken [were carried away] by Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon and Chaldea. Now as to Shalmanezer, he removed the Israelites out of their country, and placed therein the nation of the Cutheans, who had formerly belonged to the inner parts of Persia and Media, but were then called Samaritans, by taking the name of the country to which they were removed; but the king of Babylon, who brought out the two tribes, (17) placed no other nation in their country, by which means all Judea and Jerusalem, and the temple, continued to be a desert for seventy years; but the entire interval of time which passed from the captivity of the Israelites, to the carrying away of the two tribes, proved to be a hundred and thirty years, six months, and ten days."
Jeremiah 44:14 and 28 clearly says that a remnant of those who ran down to Egypt would return to Judea. That means there were inhabitants as late as year 23! So that is when the 70 years must begin, year 23! Not year 18. So 607 BC is out as ever being the year Jerusalem fell. It's just that simple.
the tricky thing about a mass mailing to all the kingdom halls is that mail is often not delivered to the kingdom hall but to a po box.
it is super easy to get all the addresses to hundreds of kingdom halls across the country and even have those addresses printed out for you as labels!
but when i did that before i got about a third of them back.
Steve, thanks for the feedback!
Oh man Charlie you are so caught up in the organization fulfilling scripture that you are the mirror image of JW dogmatism. Like all "true" believers, you seek not feedback but agreement with your beliefs and methods.
Ultimately, all you succeed in doing is feeding the JW persecution complex.
Answer me just this ONE question. The Bible says Jesus was in the grave THREE NIGHTS. If he rose on a Saturday night, then two nights earlier are Friday night and Thursday night. So, there's no issue, right/ He has to die on a Thursday. In 33 CE, Thursday, Nisan 20th, was a day of preparation. Jesus dies on a day of preparation. So to me, it's a done deal at this point. The Jews left on the 15th after passover so Jesus was arrested on the 15th after Passover. That's NON-NEGOTIABLE. So this is a done deal. Jesus has to die on Thursday, nisan 20th, and the gospels are all in harmony on this. This is about vindicating the gospels. The WTS gets it wrong and then makes it seem like some Biblical references are false. Jehovah didn't give them this light because they are cast out.
Thanks for your feedback. But yes, I do believe the Bible and I'm a total fundamentalist. But I have lots and lots of support for my conclusions. I did my OWN research.