JoinedPosts by Blackfalcon98
Blondie's Highlights in February 22, 2015 WT Study (FACING THE END)
by blondie inparagraph 1.
paragraph 2.
paragraph 3.
I love it! Great comments Blondie, if you were to give these at the hall, I would sincerely walk up and compliment you! (not just the pat on the shoulder, "good rehashing sista!")Link +1 / -0 -
Semi Home Study Based Charter School vs. Regular School
by SonoftheTrinity ini blame my stepkids bad grades in school squarely on the watchtower.
they don't get enough sleep because of the demands of family bible study and thursday meetings but comprimise isn't in my wife's vocabulary.
my stepson has friends at school but there are also bullies, and the classes are overcrowded with sicknesses spreading through them in a way that is detrimental to the family's health.
jw dot org! ha! Now check out the mormons website...
by stuckinarut2 injws go on about how wonderful the website is...blah blah..... check out the mormons version!.
now this is only one of their many official sites.. .
The mormons site even includes a chat option, to speak with one of their missionaries. I once used this to ask the mormon missionary about their view of the witnesses......they replied with confusion and disconnected.
I once saw a Scientology reqruitement banner on Youtube.....I wander to the site, and they too have a well designed website which manages to hide the deeper, more disturbing things of their faith.
Good thread Stuck!
IMPORTANT: Please note on your calender that on MONDAY, Feb. 16th, there will be a segment on a TV NEWS PROGRAM discussing JWs
by AndersonsInfo inon monday evening, feb. 16th, on the pbs newshour, there will be a segment discussing jehovah's witnesses.
generally, the newshour airs at 6 p.m. in different time zones across the united states..
please don't miss it.
Mormon who runs website for doubting church members ousted
by Socrateswannabe inapologies if this has already been discussed on this forum:.
mormon who runs website for doubting church members ousted.
salt lake city (ap) a mormon man who gained notoriety over the past decade for running a website that offers doubting latter-day saints a forum to chat has been kicked out of the religion..
From the article, I infer that the Mormons are less likely to excommunicate someone for apostasy; JW's do it every day! -
Watchtower Magazine - Statement of Purpose
by Nicholaus Kopernicus in"the purpose of this magazine, the watchtower, is to honor jehovah god, the supreme ruler of the universe.
just as watchtowers in ancient times enabled a person to observe developments from afar, so this magazine shows us the significance of world events in the light of bible prophecies.
it comforts people with the good news that gods kingdom, which is a real government in heaven, will soon bring an end to all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise.
Which of these activities bothered you the most?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inwhich of these activities did you hate/bothered you the most?
rank them from 1-5 with the most hated to the least.. .
field service.
When I was a believer, I didn't have a problem with any of these things, except watching a young person get DF'ed! Now that I've learned is my rankings:
5.Giving Ministry School Talk
4. Field Service (No one answers fudging numbers isn't so difficult)
3. 2-4 day assemblies (That moment you realize you have nothing in common with a group of cultic people you will be wasting your weekend with....)
2. Watching 12 year-olds (I recently witnessed a 9 yr-old) getting baptized (because, these youths aren't qualified to drive a car.....much less are they prepared to make a sound, un-pressured decision of this become slaves of men, not to mention subject themselves to the emotional torment of a Judicial Committee)
1. Watching young children getting disfellowshipped
GO TO COLLEGE!!! This cannot be taken away by a simple announcement from the platform!
New Apostate: Tempest in a Teacup
by Tempest in a Teacup infirst post on here.
i've been lurking for 3-4 years and i mean i've been a mega lurker, doing marathon reading sessions for months or weeks.. sometimes i proceed by researching specific topics, or posters; other times just reading current discussions.
i'm particularly fond of "old" post, i.e 10-12-15 years ago.. i have laughed, smiled, got mad, cried etc, just reading some threads here.. as you can see i suffer from some kind of "accute lurkitis".
Welcome to the forum! I really like your detailed introduction, but I must warn you to be very careful about personal details here. Im happy you have found inner peace, and have gotten away from the guilt......welcome to mental freedom!
Link +1 / -0 -
It must be of concern to the GB with all the information that is been leaked now
by joe134cd ini was just watching cedars prank call to tomo3.
by the way lloyd very well done and totally funny.
but on a more serious note (and i think what must be of concern to the gb) are the amount of leaks that must be occurring at a senior level or at least by a person who has access to sensitive information.
Im sure GB gets a little worried.....but then the probably just say a prayer and create new methods for preventing no avail!