JoinedPosts by Blackfalcon98
Personal Revelations and Ah-ha moments while reading Combating Cult Mind Control
by Blackfalcon98 inhi everyone, i'm nearing the end of steven hassan's first book: combating cult mind control.
as i was on the chapter which describes 'mini interventions', i had an ah-ha moment regarding wtbs and the stance on two matters which awoken doubts in me earlier:.
college enrollment (on campus housing vs. off campus housing, etc.).
New forum: one month progress report
by Simon inwell, we survived the first month at least!
yes, the new forum is now 1 month old.. of course there have been some issues and i'm grateful that people have been patient while i worked on them.
a big thank-you to everyone who's been patient, have provided useful feedback or just been willing to adapt to something new during the transition.. i've also made some improvements along the way and am fairly happy with how things are from a basic functionality and performance perspective so it's time to start looking at some of the new features i've been planning.
Thanks Simon for all your hard work in providing this forum to truly help people! -
Thought I would introduce myself
by WateredDown ini have read the site with great interest over the last few weeks.
some interesting stuff thats for sure.. i have left the jehovah's witnesses (was almost going to say the 'truth') for some time now.
i was one of the lucky ones that was baptised then faded, no humiliating disfellowshipping but nonetheless was very hard to get myself out.
2015 Regional Convention Theme - unofficial-
by WatchTower87 innews about 2015 regional convention theme?.
list of my preview:.
- the end is at hand.
"Escape from Paradise"
by zeb ini have just finished reading brock talons second book (see above).
well worth the read.
terribly honest and humbling to read.
i just finished it too! He really improved in his art, since Journey to God's house.....the previous book was good...but this one was EXCELLENT! Good job Brock!Link +1 / -0 -
What I Saw & Heard in the Oral Argument Hearing on January 14, 2015
by ABibleStudent inim not an attorney and i could not record the hearing, so please forgive me if i make mistakes in relating what i remember of the oral argument hearing for jane doe (i.e., candace conti) versus the watchtower bible & tract society on january 14, 2015 and the length of this post.. i arrived at the civic center/union plaza in san francisco, ca about 7:30. the area is very nice with a few homeless people sleeping in the park across from the courthouse.
it took me about 10 minutes to find the clerks office for the court on the first floor, which opened at 8:00.. once the clerks office opened, the two clerks who i talked with were very polite and helpful.
the arguments for jane doe (i.e., candace conti) versus the watchtower bible & tract society were scheduled 5th out of (i think) 8. while i was in the office a cameraman and another person for nbc arrived asking about the hearing for candace contis case.. the courtroom for the 1st appellate court is on the 4th floor and takes up most of that floor.
Awesome movie: "THE GIVER". This is a MUST WATCH for witnesses and those breaking free from the WT!!!
by stuckinarut2 inyou have to watch the movie "the giver"!
it is simply an awesome movie for every thinking witness, or those trying to break free from the org's hold on us.. i wont give away too much, but the concept of the film is mind blowing!
utopia vs reality etc... conformity vs individuality and humanity... etc.
Read the book in primary school. Definitely a good story, hopefully the movie isn't a poor representation. -
Kingdom Consolidation and Sales are coming – Reliable Source
by thedepressedsoul ini heard form a reliable source that a kingdom hall consolidation is going to be happening in the us.
currently they are looking at every kingdom hall to see if they could and should sell it.
any kingdom hall that has not been updated and is in a bad location (long driveway, not in a visible location etc...) will be sold.
Very good thread. Sadly, the R &F will eat this up as Jah's organization on the move. It was once noted how excited uber dubs get about being given the "privilege" ofworkingslaving on these various projects.....This isn't even much about religion, only activity to promote an organization. An organization that does nothing for the people who form the organization.Link +1 / -0 -
Decided to sign up...
by campaign of hate inso i decided to sign up after many years of lurking.
started researching after finding out about ray franz, which inevitably brought me to this site.. i'm still well and truly inn, but don't want to give any information out, i'm sure you guys know the reasons.. since "jay double you .
org" came online, there has been a definite sense of hysteria with everyone who is "inn", and i get a feeling it's going to get a whole lot crazier as the years press on.. one point i would like to raise is that i feel, without a doubt, that 2034 is going to be the new finish line.
Separated from a loveless Marriage
by PLAYGROUND ini don't know where to start.
i got married a year and half ago.
some months into the marriage things where discovered.
If you still believe the JW religion is the way to Jehovah God, should read your bible more. (and not the NWT) I am so sorry for your pain, and I hope for the best. Perhaps you can persue a marriage counselor or even a personal counselor. You mention being used. If you are a man, I'd recommend getting legal help to ensure that your spouse doesn't bankrupt you following a potential divorce. Please understand that the elders are simply WT company men, and as such they must repeat what they hear from higher ups. Jehovah God see's your efforts to improve your relationship with your spouse, and in due time things will become clear to all parties involved. You can PM me anytime.
Warm Wishes,