"As such, my conscience moves me to conclude that I can no longer remain with my family of brothers and sisters. It is a family where abuse is not only rampant, but is policy -- willful policy -- masquerading as spiritual caution."
You are 100% right. This cult that is disguised as a religion is destructive and hateful. "The most Loving organization on the earth"....my a**. They could care less about the flock and I hope these disgusting men get what they deserve one day.
Remain kind and loving to this young man. He sounds like he could really use a friend. As much as he has been hurt, it is the best thing that could have happened to him. At least he didn't spend years wasting his life slaving for this cult, to find that they could care less. I sincerely hope this young man will bounce back successfully.
So glad we got our children out!