Oh boy...AMIII again! What a treat! The WORST speaker ever!
He also gives a talk at the RC about JW's not judging other. Narcissists NEVER think they have the problem. It's always the other guy with the problem.
this is in the july 2015 monthly program on tv.jw.org cedars wrote about it too.. starting at around 42:30 in the video, morris talks about the child abuse situation for almost 10 minutes.
link to video.
i'm writing a transcript right now.
Oh boy...AMIII again! What a treat! The WORST speaker ever!
He also gives a talk at the RC about JW's not judging other. Narcissists NEVER think they have the problem. It's always the other guy with the problem.
the past five weeks have been perhaps the most painful in my life as a witness.. some months ago a young man (i'd say in his late thirties or early forties) began attending meetings at my kingdom hall.
he had just moved to my area from another state.
he had disassociated himself from his home congregation many years back, when he was 20 years old and going through many of the typical trials and temptations most young men experience.. two of the elders met with him initially, and they later shared the details with the body of elders.
"As such, my conscience moves me to conclude that I can no longer remain with my family of brothers and sisters. It is a family where abuse is not only rampant, but is policy -- willful policy -- masquerading as spiritual caution."
You are 100% right. This cult that is disguised as a religion is destructive and hateful. "The most Loving organization on the earth"....my a**. They could care less about the flock and I hope these disgusting men get what they deserve one day.
Remain kind and loving to this young man. He sounds like he could really use a friend. As much as he has been hurt, it is the best thing that could have happened to him. At least he didn't spend years wasting his life slaving for this cult, to find that they could care less. I sincerely hope this young man will bounce back successfully.
So glad we got our children out!
it never failed, when someone got disfellowshipped or left the organization, their life became shambles.
if married, a divorce ensued.
if the person had a great job, the company would lay-off or close.
Dubs don't want to know you are happy. It reminds them of how miserable THEY are. They are doom and gloomers and want you to be the same.
The best thing you can do when you meet up with a JW is have the BIGGEST smile on your face and tell them you are doing GREAT (never better). This response throws them off. They don't know what to think. I'm sure they walk away with all the JW smugness. "Well...I never." Ha. Who cares what they think. YOUR HAPPY and FREE. That's what counts!
well, our sister congregation just had their co visit this past week.
on saturday afternoon, i was talking to a couple of ministerial servants in that congregation and they stated that an unmarried brother is not fulfilling to the max what jehovah wants of us.
they stated that the co went on a tirade that if you are unmarried you are being selfish and not following what jehovah wanted for mankind since he created eve as a compliment for the man.
These CO's think they are God. So many of the Elders and MS's are terrified of him. Really? Is this CO quoting the publications? I remember plenty of publications that encourage Brothers to remain single. This is what happens when man makes up their own rules and regulations. BS!
Glad to hear you are stepping down. Run like hell!!!
http://www.gwinnettdailypost.com/news/2015/jul/02/jehovah8217s-witnesses-convention-to-feature/ .
the 2015 imitate jesus!
convention of jehovahs witnesses will be held july 3-5 at the arena at gwinnett center located at 6400 sugarloaf parkway in duluth.
The truth hurts. Everything that comment said is true. Every bit of it! This cult destroys families!
"Admission is free, and no collection will be taken."
BUT there will be donation boxes and ATM machines placed strategically around the Arena. ALSO reminders throughout the day to donate to help with "Kingdom interests."
it seems to me that the religion is nearly dead.
or dying.
very little pulse exists for the organization.
"It is a tired religion. I'm tired of hearing the end is soon. I'm tired of being beaten with guilt. I'm tired of having to re-learn "The Truth" every decade. I'm tired of the double standards for elders vs the rest of the congregation. I'm tired of hearing from pioneers and other full time servants how Jehovah provides for them while they take handouts and gifts from those who work in the real world and give in order to assuage some of the guilt for not being a full time servant themselves."
I couldn't have said it better myself!
it seems to me that the religion is nearly dead.
or dying.
very little pulse exists for the organization.
it seems incredibly difficult.
those who leave the org.
(or fade) no longer have anything in common with jehovah's witnesses, nor do they want to stick around to get radiated by the fear and guilt that saturates every aspect of a witnesses' life.. i've lost all but one of my jw friends quite simply because i can no longer condone the evil things that they condone.
They think they are doing you some good by shunning you. It would be a lie to say it doesn't hurt. We are all human and feel the pain regardless of who we are.
This is the tell tale sign that this is NOT "Jehovahs earthly organization."
my wife and i are planning on taking a year off and taking a jeep and a camper through all the 48 contiguous states and alaska and some of canada.. living in florida, i have always had guns and a concealed carry permit.
but researching for our upcoming retirement vacation, it seems to me that i might not be able to legally carry firearms on my upcoming expedition.. it seems every state has different laws and licenses.
what does a camper from florida do when he goes to new york or california?
Not too sure about the gun issue. Good question. We carry too.
As for the trip....GO FOR IT. Life is too short. Wish I could do it but have too much responsibility at the moment.
Be safe!!!
am i the only one who has single, desperate sisters in the congregation?
they tend to be holier-than-thou, frumpty, but in private talk about getting married.
but they don't understand why no brother will look at them.
Single sisters with ankle length skirts, flats and no make up = holier than thous looking for an Elder husband.
Sisters with knee length skirts, high heels and make up = need to be a little more "spiritual."
You CAN NEVER WIN IN THIS CULT. "Your skirts are too long, your make up too heavy, your nails too red, you top is too tight or too low." For Gods sake you can't do ANYTHING right! You can never do enough.
We feel like a weight has been lifted off of our shoulders since leaving. NEVER BEEN HAPPIER WITHOUT ALL THE JUDGEMENT! Gee...I wonder why no one is getting baptized, reaching out or donating.