We can only hope and pray that you are one of the VERY few good guys we know. There are some (very few) of you left but you do exist. Hopefully, you and your family can escape.
Sometimes my family and I can only hope that some of the Elders, CO's and Bethelites will TRULY see what is going on.
Occasionally, a few Elders will post but then they disappear. Some remain and we cherish their loving/kind input.
So much damage/abuse has been done to some really good and decent people. We can attest to this!
We don't know how you do it. Going trough the motions of being an Elder, meetings, field service, conventions, etc. has to be brutal.
If you can get yourself and your family out...DO IT. We have been out for about 3 years and the freedom is incredible. They talk and act as if your life will go to sh** if you leave. DON'T BELIEVE THEM...IT DOES'NT! Freedom is an incredible feeling. Happiest years of our lives!
Know that you are not alone . There are some incredibly kind and loving people here for you.