I just googled Terry M Chastain. He had filed another lawsuit against the WT in 2009.
a little birdie informed me that a lawsuit against the watchtower bible & tract society, its legal department, and several individuals (perhaps lawyers in the legal department) has been filed in the superior court of the state of california, county of los angeles for, wait for it.... racketeering!.
that's right, folks, you heard it here first.
i have no other information, other than the case was stamped "aug 07 2015" and the docket number appears to be bc590675.
I just googled Terry M Chastain. He had filed another lawsuit against the WT in 2009.
amid all the talking about the rc, the wt is releasing a new video:.
to all bodies of elders.
re: became so beloved video and event media document type.
"5.) Jehovah gave the woman the "boldness" (Brazen conduct!!) to tell the snake in the straw-hut out-house to "get behind her", so she could proceed to take an almighty dump? Well that settles it, Jehovah truly looks after his people"
Thanks WingCommander, I needed the laugh today. I laughed for 5 minutes on that one. Loved your post!
making the rounds on facebook among jws is a photo of a 'parents' magazine cover that shows the cgi jw.org kids on the cover, and an article headline about how wonderful the teaching tools on jw.org are.
(i don't have the time or the desire to hunt the photo and post it - sorry).
i immediately suspected some bored and naive jw doing some photoshopping.
amid all the talking about the rc, the wt is releasing a new video:.
to all bodies of elders.
re: became so beloved video and event media document type.
I wonder if all the CO's and their wives (COW) are bitching because the R & F are emotionally checking out. They forget that respect is earned, not given.
I wish the Org would make a video showing home many ordinary members work their fingers to the bone so they can donate their time and money to pay the CO's, Bethelites and GB members expenses.
These fairy tale videos are sickening. 99.9% of the CO's we have met are high and mighty asses and feel they are entitled to be wined and dined. They come into the Congregation with their Special menu requests and their bill for all the weeks expenses. Feed them hot dogs and beans and see what happens. Anyone feeding you and your family? Not mine. We work for EVERY dime! Let's make a video about that! Reality!
is this rc triggering any painful memories for anyone else?
for me, it's stirring up all the emotions of what it felt like dealing with assholes like this.
amid all the talking about the rc, the wt is releasing a new video:.
to all bodies of elders.
re: became so beloved video and event media document type.
Hey Punk, pass me that bucket when you are done.
Pixel and Wifi, thanks for all your efforts. You are the best! So nice to have the "spiritual food at the proper time."
here is a quote from a w/t article a few years ago.
in all the 8 kh i attended [work locations changed] not one body of elders followed this direction, so if they are not minding the sheep who is?
it galls me that they will quickly act if you grow a beard, or voice an opinion, or ask a question, but when your family fall foul of abuse where are the elders then?.
I agree. It sounds good on paper and is the way that it SHOULD be but the realization sadly is it is not.
amid all the talking about the rc, the wt is releasing a new video:.
to all bodies of elders.
re: became so beloved video and event media document type.
Pixel & Wifibandit...you little devils! I love it!
amid all the talking about the rc, the wt is releasing a new video:.
to all bodies of elders.
re: became so beloved video and event media document type.
"This video builds appreciation for our circuit overseers and the wonderful work they accomplish along with their loyal wives. "
This statement alone is just too funny! I think in our lifetime we have met only 1 decent CO. The rest were full of themselves and felt entitled to the boot licking/ass kissing everyone gives them.
When we were pretty down and out (having our doubts and discouragement) we had a discussion that we had a new CO. Due to discouragement we really didn't want to attend the meeting but decided that we would give it one last shot. Maybe this CO will be different. Let's give it another try. Let me tell you, this CO was the biggest a******. He was so full of himself and actually showed his true colors in front of the entire congregation. That was it! We lasted about another 6 months. I wish I could name this douchbag. If I ever call him out, I will also thank him for showing us the way. The way out the door!
Vote with you wallets people. If you don't want to leave due to family/friends...do what is best for you. The best revenge is to NOT DONATE! Money makes this cult tick. I love to watch them squirm (May broadcast). lol