If it fits the JW agenda ($$$$$) they will "adjust" the rules. Follow the money!!
to all congregations in the united states branch territory.
re: discount on roku devices.
dear brothers:.
If it fits the JW agenda ($$$$$) they will "adjust" the rules. Follow the money!!
here is a quick breakdown of our conversation (by text message).
me: "have you read about the royal commission?
the org has been covering up child abuse.
I'm sure your Brother would have a different view of it if he or someone he loved was molested. If it doesn't personally affect them they bury their head in the sand.
We see it in our family. It is so frustrating!
in joe134cd's recent thread, he mentioned the myth that apparently one should be able to fade or become inactive without repercussions from the community.
he mentioned about the 'dropping-you-like-a-hot-potato' phenomenon from social media sites, even when you've not told anybody why you're not coming any more.. i propose that it may be good to record such a phenomenon when it occurs so that this lie can be readily rebuffed.
i'm not out yet, but when i do, i shall be only to willing to record the response on social media sites.
Carla is 100% correct. In the long run all the negative comments and articles is what will make an impact on those contemplating becoming a JW. Also, the ones who have had doubts will also go on the internet.
Before we started searching. We never knew all the details regarding what happened in Mexico/Malawi or knew nothing about the UN thing.
Sometimes we post on here thinking, what good will it do? BUT on posts or comments, on this board or others, may help just ONE person not get wrapped up in the JW craziness will be worth all the time and effort!
so i got coerced into watching this crap last night.
a few observations:.
1) it personified the witness mantra that doing more for the org = happiness, doing not enough = misery.
I agree, it was a manipulative piece of crap.
I felt so bad for the Dad when she went off on his lack of "spirituality." Well, as we all know, this is how the JW's work. You could beat the crap out of your family when no one is around but as long as you look outwardly spiritual all is good. It's all about the image.
If you watch all the JW video dramas, they ALL have the same spin to them. I usually sit down with a glass of wine and have a good laugh! Oh Dubland...a strange and bizarre place!
in joe134cd's recent thread, he mentioned the myth that apparently one should be able to fade or become inactive without repercussions from the community.
he mentioned about the 'dropping-you-like-a-hot-potato' phenomenon from social media sites, even when you've not told anybody why you're not coming any more.. i propose that it may be good to record such a phenomenon when it occurs so that this lie can be readily rebuffed.
i'm not out yet, but when i do, i shall be only to willing to record the response on social media sites.
yes or no.......what say you?.
i'll start - no!.
I don't think he will show.
If he does it will be vague responses. You know...theocratic warfare.
i don't have a great reference point on my observation other than my local area but i was wondering if this was a widespread thing.
... in the last two years in my former congregation there have been 6 people to disassociate for "apostasy," 6 disfellowshipped for various reasons, and numerous ones reproved.
these are just the ones i have heard about.
I don't think the work is speeding up, I think the Internet is ripping a gaping hole in the whole JW concept.
It's a good thing!
the branch manual reveals the following:.
chapter 3., par 62 data protection policy, section c: if a data subject request access to, correction of, or deletion of personal data or sensitive personal data about himself, the organization will fairly consider granting the request by balancing the interests of the individual in gaining access or correcting or deleting data against the legitimate religious interests of the organization, including whether granting the request would endanger the organization's right to religious freedom and practice."d.
"the organization has an interest in permanently maintaining data regarding an individual's status as one of jehovah's witnesses.
i always sit in the same spot, just outside starbucks in a vestibule area with a table in the air-conditioned space.
i say "always," but not today.. somebody with two laptops and a table filled with business ledgers was in "my" favorite spot!.
so, i took a tiny wooden table inside the coffee shop on a long padded bench next to 3 other identical tables.. as the clickbait banner ads like to say: "and what happened next was simply unbelievable!".
the thread title refers to a number of times i have heard those words, or "substance thereof" lol, from jw's.. they are referring to my/our reasons for leaving.. it occurs to me that the correct response is not a "respectful", " i understand", but rather should be :.
" why ever not ?".
if they have "the truth" why should they not discuss and defend it ?.