It's more like..."Hurry up and get on the ark, the rain is starting."
Translation: "Let get them all in fear so they open their wallets."
the united nations will shortly announce global peace and security.
this will result in the attack on the true religion [ jehovah's witnesses ] lead by pope francis and intern will bring armageddon / paradise.
please brothers and sisters share this information with everyone!
It's more like..."Hurry up and get on the ark, the rain is starting."
Translation: "Let get them all in fear so they open their wallets."
i made a quick run to lowes to buy some paint and ran into a brother.
he is one of those elders that is very, very, petty.
if he drops by your house unexpected and notices that your kids are watching one of the star wars movies, he will counsel you for allowing your kids to watch any movie that has to do with war he will then make sure you are not recommended for any privilege.
hope my technical skills on my tablet works.
here goes......dr. laura slessinger is a well-known conservative talk show host.
she has expressed very negative beliefs about homosexuality.
i just learned that sometimes people give "green handshakes".
is this the same as bribing your way up?.
thanks for any posts..
We never gave the Green handshake to a CO. We were always considered "losers" in the Congregation. My husband never wanted the priviledge of Elder or MS. I never pioneered. Our kids are quiet, never wanting to "shine" in the KH. The CO (not one of them) ever gave us the time of day. They don't pay attention to the "losers" in the hall. Oh well....their loss.
If this cult focused on retaining it's members, maybe it would not be going through all the struggles it is now. It always shocked us on how much time they spend trying to bring new ones in while letting others who have been around for years, walk out the door. Incredible!
i stopped regulary attending meetings and going in field service in january.
the elders have left me alone for the most part i think because of my jw husband.
last week my parents came over and told me i needed to come back to meetings.
There solution to EVERY problem is meeting attendance, field serve us, etc. They just don't get it. Once you know TTATT there is NO going back. They just can not get that!
It is a good thing that your marriage is more stable. You can control the Elders and your parents. YOU are in control. You DO NOT have to tell them ANYTHING.
We have been out for almost 3 years. Our family/friends still to this day do not know why. In fact, they do not really know that we are OUT. It actually is a fun game to play.
It was VERY loving of your husband to take you to a movie and dinner. If you play your cards right, you will have many more dinners, movies and most importantly FREEDOM! You may have to sacrifice your family and friends to get there but it is so worth it. Hopefully, your husband will remain on your side.
as some of you might have read last week, my mother had extremely low hemoglobin and without it, she would have died.
i have somehow managed to bring her to reason and accept the transfusion.
it saved her life.
blondies highlights from the 08 29-2015 wt study (june 15, 2015), pages (20-25) .
excellent general website: .
bible translations .
last week i was invited by a sister to go in the field ministry with her.
i did, because she is one of the 2 people who contacted me since i am not attending the meetings.
and i thought it would be a good opportunity to tell her about some of the things i researched.
i've been posting here a lot, but these last few weeks have been very difficult for me.
anyways, lately, i've been thinking about confessing everything i've done to the elders and going back, but deep down, i don't really think it's the my question is, what convinced you it wasn't the truth and that leaving wasn't a horrible decision that everyone in the truth makes it out to be?
"The fact that an elder can commit a sin, go three years or more without confessing, then confessing, and not have to face a judicial committee. That wouldn't happen to a R&F"
This is a BIG one for us. This is actually written in the Elders manual. If some knew of this, it may have a big impact. Especially ones who have been DF'd or have had family members DF'd. The double standards and hypocrisy is through the roof!
during the proceedings of australian royal commission, as many of you, i also took time to share with the office of mr stewart, my thoughts and perspective on what what being said and not said by the witness elders on the stand.
within a day a received a reply from office of angus stewart thanking and appreciating the insight from those on the "inside".
yesterday i received a further email that my correspondence was passed on to case study 29 (jehovah's witnesses) team for their consideration.. it sounds like they are taking all our collective experience and knowledge into account as the commission continues its work..
What is so amazing about this is, almost all of us on this site (other sites as well) do not feel like our feelings and thoughts are taken into consideration. We feel as if we have no voice. I think the RC made so many feel as if someone was listening to them. FINALLY...someone was listening! We received an email in response to something we sent to Mr. Stewart. It was truly shocking to have someone actually acknowledge us. WOW! The JW's NEVER respond, they only interrogate.
Thank you Mr. Stewart and the RC. This really means so much to so many.