I am sorry that you are going through all of those problems. We had a very similar story. Our situation (financial) changed overnight. I can not tell you the whole story because I do not want to reveal too much.
We were both born in's. We thought that our "Brothers and Sisters" would always be there for us. Not true. While we were going through our situation, only one Elder out of a fairly large Body of Elders had any kind of concern for our family. Nothing!!! We were not asking for money just a little bit of concern or kindness would have been nice.
We were both raised in kind/loving families. We expected that same kindness and love from our congregation. After all this is what we were taught. We both (husband and wife) are hard workers and would never ask for money when we are both capable people and can work hard. All we were asking for was kindness. It didn't happen and that was the straw that broke the camels back for us. We left due to the lack of love. We always relied upon the scripture @ John 13:35 "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" and we received NOTHING in a difficult time, not even a kind/encouraging word. So in reality we left due to lack of love and hypocrisy. After all actions speak louder than words.
I do not believe you are the only one who is feeling this way. Many are on this website.
We have learned to rely only on ourselves due to the way we have been treated. We actually have become stronger people and a stronger couple. Our children are both working VERY hard also. I guess we have done something right.
If someone on the "outside" (I hate the word worldly) offers you some assistance, take it. There is good and bad everywhere and kindness can be shown from some wonderful people outside of this organization.
I wish you all the best.