Is the preaching work, no longer the number 1 priority?

by ToesUp 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ToesUp

    I have been observing a pattern in recent WTBS publications and events. Is the importance of the preaching activity no longer the number 1 priority?  Are not billions of lives still at stake?

    The Daily text for Wednesday, February 4, 2015 ends with a very interesting sentence.

    The responsibility of the faithful and discreet slave includes overseeing material assets, the preaching activity, assembly and convention programs, and the production of Bible literature. w13 7/15 4:13, 1

    What stood out to me was the order of importance the writer chose to list the responsibilities.  Starting with the number 1 priority, overseeing material assets, then number 2 was the preaching work.

    During the LDC meeting January 31, 2015, which included over 100,000 Elders in attendance.  The US Branch introduced a new Kingdom Hall Design and a new construction program.  During the presentation a part regarding Kingdom Hall Maintenance was presented.  The point was stressed throughout this part of how important it for you to participate in taking care of your Kingdom Hall.  The Org. will be sending maintenance trainers to each K.H. and teach everyone locally on how to properly maintain Watchtower assets, I mean Jehovah’s house.  When you help out with cleaning, maintenance, landscaping, etc…, It was stated that this work was part of your “Sacred Service” to Jehovah.  My question.  Can I now count my field service time while maintaining the K.H.?  Why not, the RBC allowed certain ones to count time while working on past construction projects.

    Next observation was during Steven Lett’s part (2:30).

    He highlighted 5 key points.  5 ways we can have a fuller share

    1.) Endeavor to simplify your life, to become available full time (if possible) to work with the LDC arrangement (notice he was not stating to pioneer or spend more time in field service).

     2.)  Need our support personally.  Encourage others to participate as well.

     3.) Generously contribute monetarily. In harmony with our circumstances.

     4.) Continue to Preach without let up.

     5.)  Pray for Jehovah’s continued rich blessing upon these exciting adjustments that          are being implemented.

    I am glad to see preaching still made it on the list.  Out of the top 5 ways to have a fuller share, preaching was 4 and Prayer made the list at number 5.

    I might be making a mountain out of a mole hill.  However, these are my observations. The WTBS seems to be more concerned with these other activities and to keep the rank and file busy.  Hey and the added bonus, you can still count your time since this is part of your “Sacred Service”. 

    These are my thoughts, I would love to hear your views.

  • sir82

    Only for the "proles" (1984 reference).

    For the "elite" (elders, Bethel heavies, etc.) it is only necessary to "be visible" minimally in the ministry.

    Actually doing the preaching work is for the contemptible masses (women, non-elder males, etc.)

    Or, if you prefer a different metaphor, it's like a MLM - only the suckers actually sell the product.

  • Vidiot
    I've come to suspect that the "preaching work" hasn't really been a priority for some time, now.
  • Simon
    Advertise the website and donate. That's all they need to know.
  • OneEyedJoe
    Advertise the website and donate. That's all they need to know.

    And provide free labor for real estate development.

    The preaching work is a relic of when it was actually profitable.  Tax law changes screwed them over a bit on that, and I think the JW culture is shifting to the point where most going d2d don't remember the days of asking for money so they're uncomfortable asking for donations.  The magazines are so cheap and flimsy and come in bountiful supply, so most probably don't even factor that in when they donate.  

    If this cult is still around in 20 years, I wouldn't be surprised if they phased it out altogether and replaced it with the important work of building kingdom halls.  That's a big change so it'll take time so no one will notice, but they're already on their way with the website and the carts.

  • JeffT
    I have thought for some time that actually making converts is no longer a priority.  Most of the convention programs and talks, as well as a lot of magazine articles, and the information on are obviously directed at an internal audience.  Many items - talks about DF'ing, that goofy cart video - will drive away any nonmember with the brains God gave gravel.  Reducing the importance of field service is a natural outcome of that change in emphasis.  
  • DesirousOfChange

    Next observation was during Steven Lett’s part (2:30).  He highlighted 5 key points.

    That is really eye-opening!

    I'm surprised they (GB) let that slip through that way as it clearly relegates the preach work to 4th place.  I think it really does come in last in their Master Plan but I'm shocked that they actually presented it that way.

    JWs really have become a Real Estate empire.


  • BluesBrother

    Oh contraire ! 

    I beg to disagree. The preaching & disciplemaking work is still the main focus of everything that I see. Without it, the halls would be empty and the coffers bare. They may go about it in a simplified way, ie a website rather than a 3 scripture sermon, but the aim is the same.

    That LDC meeting was to elders only and on a particular theme ,not indicative of the regular meetings . I know that they do not always seem to do things that help that cause but that is because they are nuts 

  • blondie
    It depends on how you define "preaching."  Communicating info to people in a variety of ways, all equally ineffective of course.
  • TakeOffTheCrown

    It looks like the door-to-door preaching work has come to a close.

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