If you attend make sure you bring your bible so you can get the Rock Stars autograph. lol
this saturday is the branch visit of mark sanderson in the selters german bethel.. there will be a video streaming for all the congs.. some of you might have heard branch visit talks of sanderson.. will there be something special or controversial?.
i am not sure if i should attend even if it's just for noting or recording some controversial stuff.
would be hard though, 3 hours of wasted time.
If you attend make sure you bring your bible so you can get the Rock Stars autograph. lol
i havent gone to meetings in about 1 year and a half.
one of my neighbors who is a jw-lady told me that the co on the last visit said that its very likely that right after armageddon (which is just around the corner) the present governing body members will be in charge of the united states since they are familiar with the culture.
and that the apostles and early christians will be in charge of areas like china.
if a brother is starting to look at material on the internet and starts to have serious doubts about the jw organisation and questions the integrity of the governing body.
what steps would be taken to by the congregation to readjust his thinking.
and also if the congregation is not aware of this but he has confided in an individual how would that individual try to help such a brother?.
Richard C B , I agree it would be bad advice for an Elder to tell you to do more but that is what they will do. It's all about the busy work. If you're busy, you don't have time to think. They don't want you to think, they want you to conform. Thinkers are not allowed in this organization. This website if full of thinkers. Keep reading here, you will learn A LOT. Lots of good people here. Go back and read previous posts on here, there are SO MANY different and disturbing stories people have experienced.
if a brother is starting to look at material on the internet and starts to have serious doubts about the jw organisation and questions the integrity of the governing body.
what steps would be taken to by the congregation to readjust his thinking.
and also if the congregation is not aware of this but he has confided in an individual how would that individual try to help such a brother?.
They would counsel you:
Go to more meetings, go out in field serve us more, volunteer more, be a part of the Congregation. Do more, do more, do more. So doing more is the answer. I know when I have lots of disturbing thoughts, I do more. Yeah...like doing more is going to make those thoughts go away. It is not.
My best advise to you is get the hell out of there. This is NOT Gods organization. Watch Mays TV broadcast. If that doesn't do it, nothing will.
These Elders ARE NOT your friends and shepherds. If you mention that you are having doubts it will put you on their radar. They will do what they call "mark you." Seen it before! Trust no one!
satan: "you certainly will not die!".
rutherford: "millions now living will never die!
"when satan told his lie, adam and eve both died despite his assurances.
I have an idea:
I am going to buy a yacht and name it "The Yacht of Princesses." When everyone asks what the name means, I am going to tell them when Ruth, Naomi, Sarah, Rachel and numerous faithful women come back, I can have them on my yacht.
Then I will brace myself for my straight jacket and trip to the rubber room! lol
the may broadcast on tv.jw.org.
we need money!.
There has to be elders that are seriously questioning this. This has to be one of the most disturbing things I have seen. I was taught that we were part of an Organization that did not ask for money. Really!
We will see some Elders follow right along with whatever these idiots say. I guess the way we all have to look at it is, if they want to continue to give money, so be it. The issue is, that it is so sad that they are taking advantage of people (the majority) who are not wealthy but middle to low income. That's what REALLY bothers me.
"Don't go to college but give us all of your money." Hey guess what GB...these people have no money cause you've been telling everyone to pioneer and volunteer. If you were smart you would encourage everyone to get an education and be kinder and loving. Maybe your revenue stream would increase. Hello!
i have a pretty good intuition but i have to admit i am going back and forth on the jw tv may broadcast.
i keep asking myself are they really in financial trouble (wishful thinking) or are they just grabbing for more money?.
i always appreciate reading everyone's thoughts and ideas on here.. let me know what you think.
I have a pretty good intuition but I have to admit I am going back and forth on the JW Tv May Broadcast.
I keep asking myself are they really in financial trouble (wishful thinking) or are they just grabbing for more money?
I ALWAYS appreciate reading everyone's thoughts and ideas on here.
Let me know what you think. I would love to hear it.
these are the money-grab letters several people have been asking for.
i almost hate to post these after all the hard work "searcher" did on the other thread.
his version looks almost better than these.
the may broadcast on tv.jw.org.
we need money!.
degerro, The Searcher just posted the letter today on a different post titled : Does anyone have a copy of the BOE letter regarding the KH money grab?
the may broadcast on tv.jw.org.
we need money!.