No apology necessary. I couldn't believe it myself. It's hard to believe how far they have gone with organization worship.
suavojr...sad and disturbing I agree.
photo was posted on jw-archive. flags flying at the 2015 r.c.
in fribourg, switzerland..
No apology necessary. I couldn't believe it myself. It's hard to believe how far they have gone with organization worship.
suavojr...sad and disturbing I agree.
honestly, they really have nothing going for them except that they are in an exclusive club.
they are in a better place than anyone else.
they have it over everyone else because of their superiority.
They have NOTHING else. They have been told to remain separate from the world. Translation: Stay away from all the EVIL worldly people. If they left the org they would have nothing and NO ONE. The older ones especially.
Our family never followed the party line on this. By us choosing not to adhere to this, we have been able to make a living. Those EVIL worldly people have kept our businesses/careers going all these years. There are some VERY good and generous people out there. They are NOT all evil!
this is the first year i have not been at a summer assembly.. the friends here locally just got back from the regional in our area.. they mostly took their vacation time from work to attend.. while they were gone i had an epiphany...... why is it that the rank and file take their summer vacation time to attend an assembly (we have all heard this hammered in from the platform) whereas the governing body attend as part of their "work".. it cant be as simple as "well, they are giving talks" because there are many brothers that give talks from the rank and file also who have used up precious vacation hours and drug their entire family there plus give their parts.. or what about other brothers and sisters who volunteer and clean at the assembly.
on vacation.. so the pubs.
travel at their own expense, pay for their own rooms and food, and give parts and it is supposed to be viewed as their vacation.. the gb and c.o.s travel to the same assembly and stay in provided for accomadations, give a talk or two and they are "working".. what is that about?.
Oh yeah...the CO's and GB are rock stars!
Give us more, more, more. Think about this too. There are many wealthy Brothers and Sisters who own expensive homes on the beach, etc. You know they let these leaches "use" their expensive homes on their vacations. I'm sure they are fed well too. Looks like most of them could skip a couple of meals. handshakes!
These people wouldn't know how to survive if they had to have a secular job and pay their own bills.
Look at all the laid off Bethelites who had to go back home and learn to survive. If they didn't have family help them, they were screwed.
This is an ALL TAKE cult. No give!!!!
photo was posted on jw-archive. flags flying at the 2015 r.c.
in fribourg, switzerland..
Here is the site I found the photo. If it is photo shopped...someone did a great job with the details!
I believe it is real. I know it is very hard to believe how crazy the org has become.
photo was posted on jw-archive. flags flying at the 2015 r.c.
in fribourg, switzerland..
photo was posted on jw-archive. flags flying at the 2015 r.c.
in fribourg, switzerland..
this is in the july 2015 monthly program on cedars wrote about it too.. starting at around 42:30 in the video, morris talks about the child abuse situation for almost 10 minutes.
link to video.
i'm writing a transcript right now.
"we published a landmark Awake! magazine over 30 years ago. IT was the issue of June 22, 1982"
To bad this very important magazine is not available on the WT online library! ONLY new light from 2000 till 2015 is available.
I guess old light is okay when it serves them!
anybody know about a brother h. latchman in fl.
a jw elder was talking to me about him.
he was so impressed with the fact that he was a. sub.
How can an Elder (who has his kids in College) get up on the stage and read a Watchtower against education? How can he sit there in judgement of others when he is going against the GB (Jehovah)? Do as I say not as I do. HYPOCRISY 101!!
As long as it serves "kingdom interests ($$$$$$)"'s ok.
i have just found out that my brother (who was one of a bunch that shared this login) has died.. he and his wife were living in another country where they once pioneered.
i didn't see him that often.. such an empty feeling.....
don't want to get into a lot of detail but it seems like my wife is finally having some flashes of awareness.
she's got them before, but not in very touchy subjects.
she was willing to seat down with me and look over some websites talking about some very controversial subjects that i do not dare to write about at the moment.
Good to hear.
Don't give up hope. It took my husband to show me a few things before I put 2 and 2 together. It did not take long.