Photo was posted on JW-archive. flags flying at the 2015 R.C. In Fribourg, Switzerland.
JW Org Flags at R.C.
by ToesUp 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well that's a new one! -
Are you F****ing kidding me?!?!? 😳
I thought the WBT$ published an article about flags once....I don't remember if being positive about them either!
Salute the flag kids!
Already seen the retort, "We don't worship our flags, they're just advertisements." Let the JW rationale begin. -
John Aquila
We don't worship the Governing Body, they're just God's "Visible" representatives. -
Watchtower 56 10/1
That such devotion to the flag should be customary is not at all surprising in view of the fact that “early flags were almost purely of religious character,” according to The Encyclopædia Britannica. That authority and others show the development of flags. In the hope of assuring victory pagan soldiers at first carried their idols and carved images with them into battle. Then they made miniatures of their carved idols, which they placed on the end of staffs. Later they painted representations of their idols on cloth and fastened these to the staffs. Thus is seen the evolution from carved idols to modern flags.>>
John Aquila
I guess it's the apostates that don't worship idols
I swear, since I left this whole religion has gone to pot....