Hopefully, this will be enough to get this young man out of this cult. It is truly sad how they treat others. I hope he is ok.
They don't care about anyone but themselves.
i am not sure if this guy is really from bethel, or walkill, but if he is....this poor guy really tells it like it is from the heart.
he was surprised.. at the 'oh so fast, pack your bags, get your stuff outta here' layoff !.
Hopefully, this will be enough to get this young man out of this cult. It is truly sad how they treat others. I hope he is ok.
They don't care about anyone but themselves.
the elders told my mom they obviously could have come after me but are holding hope that i will return to jehovah and be reunited to the congregation.. isnt that nice?.
let the merging begin!!!.
to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory.
re: fully utilizing kingdom hall auditoriums.
splash - Imagine how far some, who live on the furthest edge of the territory will now have to travel to get to a kingdom hall, maybe having to drive past where the old hall used to be
I wonder if they will ever eliminate the mid-week meeting due to the "not having enough auditoriums" reason?
Will they further promote jw-tv to include the mid-week program? If you are too old or have a special needs (i.e. no gas money, no ride, sick, etc.). Jehovah has authorized the following spiritual provision:
We now have the mid-week meeting available on JW.TV for your convenience. When you click on the video, a pop up box will state: Have you been cleared by your local elders to miss the spiritual food in person? Have you been approved for on-line meeting attendance?
Please note the donate buttons at the top, bottom and both sides of your screen.
let the merging begin!!!.
to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory.
re: fully utilizing kingdom hall auditoriums.
let the merging begin!!!.
to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory.
re: fully utilizing kingdom hall auditoriums.
incredibly, fred franz once announced at a district convention: "yesterday a sister approached me and said, brother franz, why do we have to keep our children up so late just so they can attend the meetings?
i responded sister ***, would you rather have a tired child or a dead child?".
*cue rapturous applause*.
in the article on the guardian ( http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jul/14/jehovahs-witnesses-evangelism-church-god-armageddon ) mentioned in another thread, there's this quote of mark omalley, who is assigned to the public information desk at the jehovahs witness uk centre in north london.
we now have more than 165,000 [literature] carts on the streets in over 50 countries.
it gives us visibility and availability.
well another big bad elder here just wanting to say sorry.. i'm sorry that so many were treated like crap, and shown that god's love is not to be found around jehovah's witnesses.
i'm sorry that inadvertently i've likely taught many to judge and as such see that racism permeates every corner of the jw world, else why else would someone be of the world, or even inactive.
i'm sorry i sat in on a jc, and voted to df.
It is fantastic that you and your wife are escaping together. We did the same thing. It's wonderful to be on the "same page." Freedom is wonderful!!!
Regarding this letter:
" The letter which was orally read to all servants and elders was that if the child was still living at home, attending meeting meetings and regularly contributing in the ministry that the elder or servant would be "ok.". They provided a loophole effectively but only for higher ups."
We saw so many of the Elders kids going to college. Don't get me wrong, we 100% agree that the kids should get an education but the double standards are incredible. If a Brother doesn't get the magic 10 hours a month in service, he can't have any "priveledges" (except donating $, cleaning the toilets or taking the CO or speaker to dinner) but if your college bound kid does all the tasks (The tasks that get him/her labeled a "spiritual" young one) than that's ok, they get a free pass.
Trust me when I tell you this (right from one of my kids mouths). These kids know exactly what is going on. They can see right through the hypocrisy and want NO part of it. This is why the 20ish kids are exiting. This generation of kids know that the kids that "look spiritual" know how to play the spiritual game. Elder Daddy has taught them that this is what is required of you if you want to go to college. We had one of the teenage kids in our Hall confess to us that his Father warned/threatened him, "don't make me look bad or loose my priveledges in the Congregation."
There was an article (Watchtower) several years back that if you sent your kids to college you lacked faith. This was one of those head scratching moments for us. We asked...if your kids are in college and your an Elder doesn't that mean that Elder lacks faith? How can they remain an Elder if he lacks faith? Maybe Blondie knows the article I am referring to (it was a study article).
The Hypocrisy is just mind boggling.
Keep us posted on your progress. It's so good to hear so many are stepping up to the plate and moving on.
in the article on the guardian ( http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jul/14/jehovahs-witnesses-evangelism-church-god-armageddon ) mentioned in another thread, there's this quote of mark omalley, who is assigned to the public information desk at the jehovahs witness uk centre in north london.
we now have more than 165,000 [literature] carts on the streets in over 50 countries.
it gives us visibility and availability.
Found this photo of a JWLego cart...you guys will have to provide the captions. I am speechless...
i served for years as an elder in london ontario.
finally stepped aside because of the old boy network, elders covering up for one another, practice of elders and their wives party times with excessive use of alcohol.
the elders families getting slaps on the wrist for major sins.
Your Dad was a smart man!