Posts by ToesUp
That's funny. Love it!!! -
Governing Body Obesity
by Calebs Airplane innot sure if this subject has been covered recently but i thought i'd make this observation anyway.... i remember when the word "gluttony" was a frequently mentioned sin in public talks, in the wt publications, in convention talks, etc.. in fact, in the 80's and 90's it wasn't unusual to hear the words "gluttony" and "disfellowship" mentioned in the same sentence.
i haven't been to a meeting in over 5 years, so i'm not sure if they still harp on the subject of gluttony or other excesses.
but i can't help but notice how much heavier the gb 2.0 has become compared to previous regimes.
I feel your pain! I love chips and salsa and lots of wine.
One year of being free
by Israel Ricky Gonzales inone year ago, this thursday, i went to work as usual.
i got home, ate dinner, got myself dressed for the meeting, and helped my kids get ready like i usually did.. my son had a talk that evening, his second one.
many of my family went to support him.
Congrats! Cheers! Enjoy your life....enjoy your children (they grow too fast).
It will get better each day that you are out! You're free!
Governing Body Obesity
by Calebs Airplane innot sure if this subject has been covered recently but i thought i'd make this observation anyway.... i remember when the word "gluttony" was a frequently mentioned sin in public talks, in the wt publications, in convention talks, etc.. in fact, in the 80's and 90's it wasn't unusual to hear the words "gluttony" and "disfellowship" mentioned in the same sentence.
i haven't been to a meeting in over 5 years, so i'm not sure if they still harp on the subject of gluttony or other excesses.
but i can't help but notice how much heavier the gb 2.0 has become compared to previous regimes.
I agree with blondie.
I don't think anyone here is being disrespectful to overweight people. I could stand to loose 30lbs myself.
I think what most here are trying to convey is that you can't make generalizations towards people.
i.e. Everyone that wears tight pants is not gay (remember the Beetles?)
Sisters who wear spandex (or Spanx) as Anthony Morris stated in his Zone talk are not sluts.
Brothers who are 23 and not yet a MS are not good mates. Really? I have met some of the most wonderful men who are past 23 and not a MS. I am married to one. The best mate EVER!
I think if the GB, Elders, CO's or even the Rank in file, for that matter, are gonna dish it out you had better be able to take it.
Just sayin.
Update rant almost a year out!
by Ghiagirl infor those who know my story my hubby and i are almost a year out of the organization!
my due date is right around the corner and still no word from my hubby's family.
they are hardcore.
Congrats on the little new one. Enjoy every second of that sweet baby! Keep him/her away from this destructive cult. If your hubby's family does not want to associate with you, it is THEIR loss. They will miss out on that sweet child.
Governing Body Obesity
by Calebs Airplane innot sure if this subject has been covered recently but i thought i'd make this observation anyway.... i remember when the word "gluttony" was a frequently mentioned sin in public talks, in the wt publications, in convention talks, etc.. in fact, in the 80's and 90's it wasn't unusual to hear the words "gluttony" and "disfellowship" mentioned in the same sentence.
i haven't been to a meeting in over 5 years, so i'm not sure if they still harp on the subject of gluttony or other excesses.
but i can't help but notice how much heavier the gb 2.0 has become compared to previous regimes.
Don't you know the camera adds 10lbs? lol
Resistance is NOT futile!
by Bonsai inall i want from this life is to be able to wash windows at bethel.. my story.. when i was fresh out of high school and pioneering, i said those exact words to my friends and family.
all i wanted to do was be at the core of the organization where it was the safest.
i gleefully told people that i'd gladly spend the rest of my life washing windows, waiting tables, doing laundry or cleaning bathrooms.
Loved your story. So many similarities to some things we have experienced. So glad you and your wife escaped this abusive cult.
Anthony Morris asked a question during his "Come back to Jehovah" talk @ the RC. He asked the ones if they are happier since they have left the troof. We answered a VERY LOUD.... YES!!!
Will the Governing Body decree that Starbucks is forbidden??
by DATA-DOG init's bad enough that jws waste valuable, life-saving minutes getting coffee, but now this happens....
so many dubs work at starbucks!
this is a dangerous situation that must be from satan!
Coming to a assembly symposium near you! The madness must STOP!!!
Governing Body Obesity
by Calebs Airplane innot sure if this subject has been covered recently but i thought i'd make this observation anyway.... i remember when the word "gluttony" was a frequently mentioned sin in public talks, in the wt publications, in convention talks, etc.. in fact, in the 80's and 90's it wasn't unusual to hear the words "gluttony" and "disfellowship" mentioned in the same sentence.
i haven't been to a meeting in over 5 years, so i'm not sure if they still harp on the subject of gluttony or other excesses.
but i can't help but notice how much heavier the gb 2.0 has become compared to previous regimes.
Pasty white and over weight...were still going to heaven!
JW Broadcasting is dying.
by John Aquila inonce a month about 15 to 20 elderly jw publishers would meet at the kingdom hall and one elder was assigned to set up the system so they could view jw broadcasting.
these publishers were long time pioneers, former elders, and long time publishers who know nothing about computers or the internet.
they are the last batch of those expecting the generation that saw 1914 or understood it--- to not die off.
John Aquila
I love your Mom and these 2 elderly Sisters. I wish I could hug them. So much abuse is being done to so many. This treatment must be so hard on the Older ones. It breaks my heart.
I love the fact that you had a good laugh.
I truly believe that this cult is cutting it's own throat. All these "loving peoples" actions is causing MANY to question Jehovahs backing on this cult disguised as a religion.