Oh God...I really feel old. They look so young. She's a doll. They look very happy together. So happy they got out young and together. Thanks for sharing this Freemindfade!
I hope they don't get sucked into another religion.
i just found these vidoes on youtube, maybe you have seen them already, but i thought i would share.
these canadian kids for me are courageous and inspiring.
more excellent public examples of non vitrial apostate awakening.
Oh God...I really feel old. They look so young. She's a doll. They look very happy together. So happy they got out young and together. Thanks for sharing this Freemindfade!
I hope they don't get sucked into another religion.
they are told that persecution is coming and that all will see it.. they are told that there will be lies in the media about us.. they even give the old brother king interview about brothers being jailed.
the last sentence tony the tiger damn near screams at the camera to stay faithful you integrity keepers... he knows your fathers and husbands may be going to jail.
this talk is all about damage control.. .
"Funny how he mentions that no matter what they do people will always point things out."
It's funny how that works...you abuse people and people always point it out. Hmm!
Hey Tony...people are pissed. You opened your BIG MOUTH during the Zone meeting (and you continue to run your mouth). The GB is getting exactly what they deserve.
i just sent this email to angus stewart:.
i hope this email finds you well.
i would like to say thank you for your work on the royal commission, particularly in your handling of the jehovah's witnesses elders and experts during questioning.
Viviane - Well done and Thank you. Your letter inspired me to send this letter to Mr. Stewart. This is from a personal family members experience.
Mr. Stewart,
I hope you doing well today. I just wanted to thank you for your excellent work and questioning of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in the past days of hearings.
You have done your home work and actually know more about this organization then most J.W’s. Since most of them have never seen ALL the elders and branch letters brought to the attention of this commission. Also, no regular member of the congregation would ever be allowed access to the Elders ”Shepherd the Flock of God” Book.
When a member of the congregation is asked to speak with the Elders. Many of them do not know the rules or the procedures, but the Elders do. It is a one sided process. I have a family member that took a problem to the Elders to be helped, within a few days a J.C. meeting was conducted and they walked out disfellowshipped. They were shocked, they thought they going to get comfort and consul from the bible. Instead they were kick out to fend for themselves. They had to beg and plead for over 2 year to be reinstated. Their crime, sleeping with their boy friend before they were married. She felt guilty and kept it quite for a few years after they were married. Then took it to the Elders.
This brings me to the one issue in the Flock book that really highlights the double standard of the Elders and the Watchtower’s men in power. Please refer to the Flock book page 38, par 19 and 20. The topic. If it comes to light or an appointed brother confesses that he has committed a disfellowshipping offense years in the past. The information states if a elder has committed a wrong doing and some time has past (more than a few years ago). And the Elder has not come forward and reported his wrongdoing to the body of Elders (he hid his sin). Well since some time has past, he can remain an elder? This is a get out jail free card given to the men in power and not to the regular members of the congregation. My family member was D.F’d, if she was a male and an Elder, she could have kept her wrong doing secret for a few years, then confessed, and still continue to serve as an active Elder in Judgement of others.
It would be wonderful if you could use this information in your case to highlight and broadcast this information so ALL of Jehovah’s Witnesses and the general public would know what really goes on behind closed doors.
Thank you for your time.
I must remain anonymous or I will be removed from the Congregation for my views and expressing them.
i had a pretty good meet up today with some good buddies and one of them brought up a great point from the greatest man book.
doesn't it look like jw's believe in hell to you from the picure of the rich man and lazarus?.
They don't believe in hell today but may get "new lite" any moment. One NEVER knows!!!
i went to the restaraunt in a small town where i work and sometimes live and there were some jws there for lunch break out in service.
it is amazing to watch the locals sit as far away as they can from the table of jws.
some actually sat at a near table then loved tables when they realized jws were sitting near them.
now we know why the governing body of jehovah's witnesses cancelled all the major regional conventions of jehovah's witnesses for 2015 and are only holding smaller conventions at the jw assembly halls.
"imitate jesus" convention series australia schedule .
interestingly the first round of regional conventions are due this weekend in the jw assembly halls in sydney (new south wales), melbourne (victoria), and brisbane (queensland).
There is no doubt in my mind that the GB knew this was coming. They are not low on money YET but I think they are going to take a huge financial hit due to what is taking place in Australia. They are "hunkering down" due to expected lack of or low donations.
Karma's a bitch!
firstly, thank you to anyone who is in support of this rc.
no one has shown anything but great interest and empathy for those who were abused.. i don't know who this simonsays character is though and i find him to be very rude and ignorant.
it takes all kinds to make the world go round i suppose.. today i was contacted by a staff member of the royal commission.
sorry i have to remain completely anonymous about this but you will see why.
i have first hand knowledge that geoffrey jackson of the governing body is staying with his parents in toowoomba, queensland for the next few weeks.
he has already been in australia for a couple of weeks.
Jackson, or any of the GB, don't have the b***s to stand up to the RC. They will let the little guy do it for them. They get everyone else to fight their battles. The Elders are in the hot seat for once (rightly so) but the GB are watching from a far. COWARDS AND HYPOCRITES!
Who's building Warwick? Have you seen any of the GB holding a shovel? Maybe a hoe (lol). They get all the little minions to do the free labor and dirty work.