Posts by ToesUp
Jehovah's witnesses are the fastest growing religion.
by hoser inthat is what the speaker said in his public talk this morning.
Legends in their own minds! lol -
Sub CO and Wife, both Reg Pioneers, go back to NC to live with his Parents
by James Jack inthis couple both in their mid 30's, lived with me for awhile and i gave them employment, because they are both regular pioneers and married right out of high school, also because i am that kind a of guy that likes to help people.
various friends have been helping them out for years, so i guess it was my turn to help them out.. the brother got stupid with me, so i told him i had enough of them both and that it was time for them to go elsewhere.. the co loved them so much, the pioneer elder was made cobe in another congregation and a sub co. the brother also got to conduct pioneer service school.
(so he is a hot shot now).
They are finally going to have to join us in the real world!
Missing Friends.
by Resi init's been a long time since i posted.
for a brief recap, i have an aunt who is one of jehovah's witnesses.
when i was really sick, i sought out their group because i remembered the support my aunt had and how they were like a second family to her.
Your post is sad and I am sorry you have been hurt.
These people are conditional, they are not your friends. Friends do NOT treat you this way. Friendships in the JW organization are based off of JW tasks. If you perform their tasks, i.e. field service, meeting attendance, going to assemblies, pioneering and reaching out for positions (if you're a male). If you perform these tasks, then they will more than likely accept you into their little world. Let me repeat....that is not friendship. Move on with your life.
There is a great quote I think of often:
“I used to think the worst thing in life is to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone.”
― Robin Williams -
Warwick to finish EARLY
by wifibandit inok, story time.. anon asks me via pm:.
just heard from a wallkill bethelite that warwick will finish early.
can you confirm?.
"2-3 weeks ago Br Losch came to 'bid' on his 'room' which was specifically designed for him. You probably know this but they aren't really rooms, they are like goddamn apartments. With 2 bedrooms, 2 baths (I think?), a balcony, kitchen, an office and lounge area/living with a tv. Each gb member has one specifically designed for him. So, losch was given a lakeside view room. He rejected the room and said he wanted a fucking mountainside view, what a prick."
Vow of poverty eh? HYPOCRITES!!!
Warwick to finish EARLY
by wifibandit inok, story time.. anon asks me via pm:.
just heard from a wallkill bethelite that warwick will finish early.
can you confirm?.
They are smart to finish this project early because the masses are onto the scam of the JW cult.
They will finish that resort for the wonderful 7 and they will batton down the hatches. Only the most elite and the ones who will need to clean , cook, serve and wipe the asse* of these holy men will be allowed through the gates.
They take care of themselves and no one else!
5 Steps to be a good cop inside the congregation...
by hardtobeme inhow many of you did this steps to keep the congo clean?.
It's funny they will pick on dark dyed hair, dark nails and bright lipstick but they never mention breast enlargements. We know of several Elders wives who have had this procedure done (some several times). I have nothing against breast enlargements but it is a surgical procedure that can be dangerous. Putting on dark nail polish,wearing heals or putting on red lipstick is not considered dangerous procedures. lol This is one thing that has intrigued me over the years but they hardly EVER mention it in talks. -
Awake - February 2015: What do you know about JWs
by Designer Stubble intrue false - 8 questions1 jehovahs witnesses are christianstrue - we are the only true christians.
however, jesus is always secondary to yhwh or yahweh, who we for some reason call jehovah.2 jehovahs witnesses are creationiststrue, we are just not young-earth creationists3 jehovahs witnesses do not believe in doctorsfalse - of course we believe in doctors.
if we can believe in an invisible sky daddy, surely we can believe in the doctor standing before us in flesh and blood.
9. Jehovahs Witnesses are a lying cult.
Was my dad awake?!
by EyesOpenHeartBroken ini am wondering if my deceased elder father was awake?
once we found out he was dying, i spent every moment i could with him, we were very close.
anyway, i offered to read to him a lot when he was resting.
Sorry you lost this wonderful man.
Yes, there is no doubt he was awake. I think there are a lot of "brothers" (elders, CO's) that are fully aware of the dirty little secrets in the org.
My Dad was also an Elder and has passed away. He also would make interesting remarks about things. I just think some people just don't know where else to go and TTATT scares the hell out of them. There whole identity is wrapped around this organization.
Cherish the good memories! He seems like he was an awesome man and Dad.
I miss my family so much. I thought I was over it but I have breakdowns every few months thinking about my family
by macys inas most of you know i have been shunned by my family for 2 years because of a photo posted on facebook of me kissing another girl at a party.
the matter was not dealt with fairly but it is over now and i am 100% certain that jdub org is a cult.
but i miss my family so much.
NO ONE should have to loose their family because they don't believe the same things as their family.
I am sorry you feel so much pain. It is VERY painful. The issue I have with it, is how can your family turn their backs on you? They are to treat you as if you were dead. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but if my family treated me this way, I wouldn't want them back in my life. EVER! It's just not normal.
I have witnessed a person being DF'd and shunned by their family and as soon as good Ole Mom and Dad are elderly, sick and flat broke the Elders will then seek out the DF'd person for help. WTF is that all about. I'm dead to you until we need you. That is sick!
CO in midwest gets pink-slipped
by LevelThePlayingField ini saw the coordinator heading for the stage and hit record on my ipad.
i was shocked but here it is.
here's my typed transcript of the letter he read:.
"Something to me seemed out of wack"
It makes us wonder how many know this JW thing is a load of crap. Even the higher ups. I think for some...the jig is up!