If you Google Jehovah Witness you will find several news media articles and documentaries regarding the religion (I mean cult). Also, there is plenty of info (not apostate) regarding the Australian Royal Commission.
I know what you mean Tony Morris did a number on us too. It really had an impact (the 23 yr. old MS thing) on my spouse. We had started our fade about 3 years ago but that talk put the nail in the coffin. Hopefully we have our kids out too (for good, we hope).
The frustrating thing is that you could have Jesus himself come down and tell everyone that this is a crock of sh*t and they would just continue on like the good little robots should.
Be careful with your wife, she sounds full in and may let someone know you are having "apostate thoughts." They think they are doing what is best for you and then the Elders start poking around.
Take it slow.