We have several in our family that are now into their late 60's. They are still working hard physically. They have no retirement and are paying the high cost of medical insurance due to being self employed. These were the ones that were told (via JW literature) back in 1969 that they would not need education because the end was sooo close. These ones chose to pioneer. Are they resentful? Yes they are. We hear it all of the time. They are now encouraging us to get our children educated so they can support themselves.
What really stands out with the Governing Body is how they discourage ones from higher education and then in the next breath they are asking for anyone with degrees (lawyers, accountants, medical, engineering, construction, etc) to volunteer on construction projects, etc. Come on...this is the highest form of hypocrisy there is!
The explanation we have received on this one is. If it is for "kingdom interests" then the higher education is ok. In other words, if it can benefit ($$$$) the WT, it is ok to do. That mindset seems to be a pattern. If it benefits the org it's ok. Really?