Well at least the poor girl victim was awarded 15 million dollars.
Why can't these guys be brought down and crumble. they believe they're above the Law.
Well at least the poor girl victim was awarded 15 million dollars.
Why can't these guys be brought down and crumble. they believe they're above the Law.
how do you wake up someone taken from us by these screwed up people?.
our son was hooked by a jw at the age of 25. within 3 months they were married and we never even new about it.
he is now 29 and has nothing to do with his family(except his sister the odd time, when he needs something) of any freinds.. we are lost and have been for four years.. .
Hi J-DUBBED, It sounds like your son's weakness is his daughter. Have you contacted your son's ex-girl friend and told her about cult-exit counselors such as Steve Hassan's methods for helping someone to critically think for themselves as well as not going off on tangents when feeling cognitive dissonance. At least send your grand-daughter's mother the following video by Steven Hassan so that she can help her daughter to critically think for herself: Strategic Interactive Approach explained 2003 (1:23:23) .
Best of wishes helping your family members.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
The problem is there are two Grandaughters. One four year old from the ex-gf and one two year old with his new bride. Just don't know how to approach him with these conversations. For a couple weeks talking to him was not a problem.......Because nothing was brought up about Religion or his wife.
I also can't open that link you posted.
how do you wake up someone taken from us by these screwed up people?.
our son was hooked by a jw at the age of 25. within 3 months they were married and we never even new about it.
he is now 29 and has nothing to do with his family(except his sister the odd time, when he needs something) of any freinds.. we are lost and have been for four years.. .
how do you wake up someone taken from us by these screwed up people?.
our son was hooked by a jw at the age of 25. within 3 months they were married and we never even new about it.
he is now 29 and has nothing to do with his family(except his sister the odd time, when he needs something) of any freinds.. we are lost and have been for four years.. .
There are some scriptures about honoring your parents and older people. There are others about it being sinful to have no natural affection for your family. Those might help.
I wish I knew what those were.
how do you wake up someone taken from us by these screwed up people?.
our son was hooked by a jw at the age of 25. within 3 months they were married and we never even new about it.
he is now 29 and has nothing to do with his family(except his sister the odd time, when he needs something) of any freinds.. we are lost and have been for four years.. .
victim hung on to faith .
by mike o'brien.
dylan boe held on to his faith until the end.. the 19-year-old was the only one of four young friends who wasn't immediately killed in a two-vehicle crash near melville, saturday.. like preston presiloski, adam anderson and elisha stasiuk, boe was a jehovah's witness.
victim hung on to faith .
by mike o'brien.
dylan boe held on to his faith until the end.. the 19-year-old was the only one of four young friends who wasn't immediately killed in a two-vehicle crash near melville, saturday.. like preston presiloski, adam anderson and elisha stasiuk, boe was a jehovah's witness.
You say "Is it a cult? No."
Well you're one of few.....................Most on here that are Ex J-Dubs say it's a cult.
i don't really know how to describe the feeling but i'll give examples, but the new layout to me makes it feel tiring being on for too long.
1. there is the top menu, then a big add between that and the next part, a big ad between the bottom and where you reply, then on the right column you either have 2 ads on top or some type of summary, then ad, then either related posts or other areas.
there are no borders, the adds have the same color and text type but larger font, and it all seems chaotically merged into one thing where you need to constantly sort out what you are viewing.
J-DUBBED, for that, you just have to select "none" in the "snippet" part at the top right of the list of topic
Wow that worked................Never new of such a thing. Now I sort of now what a "Snippet" is.
i don't really know how to describe the feeling but i'll give examples, but the new layout to me makes it feel tiring being on for too long.
1. there is the top menu, then a big add between that and the next part, a big ad between the bottom and where you reply, then on the right column you either have 2 ads on top or some type of summary, then ad, then either related posts or other areas.
there are no borders, the adds have the same color and text type but larger font, and it all seems chaotically merged into one thing where you need to constantly sort out what you are viewing.
Couldn't there just be the thread topic shown rather than the topic and lines of text??
It so congested because you have to view the content along with the topic.
i am going to switch the site over in the next hour, if you have any problems then contact me ([email protected]) and include as much information as possible about what is wrong, what you were expecting, what browser and version you are using etc... i'll also be monitoring the logs to proactively spot issues.. please be patient - i may be working on issues in preference to replying so don't get antsy if you don't get an immediate reply :).
unless there is a catastrophic problem i'll probably try and work through any issues but if things do go pear shaped when i might switch back to the old site.
if this happens then anything posted on the new one *may* be lost so hold off posting anything important without keeping a copy just in case.. .