JoinedPosts by J-DUBBED
How to wake up and reverse the trance???
by J-DUBBED inhow do you wake up someone taken from us by these screwed up people?.
our son was hooked by a jw at the age of 25. within 3 months they were married and we never even new about it.
he is now 29 and has nothing to do with his family(except his sister the odd time, when he needs something) of any freinds.. we are lost and have been for four years.. .
What would happen if a J-Dub would get liquored out of their tree? Would things start to flash back? Often thought of that......Just innocently have some drinks and loosen up. -
NEW SYSTEM SCHOOL - Exclusively for Dubbite Kids
by AFRIKANMAN inhttp://www.newsystemschool.org/.
anyone heard of this institution ?
has it been covered on the forum ?.
Home schooling is a waste of time. I know this from experience
That way when they do the "Home Skooling"......They mold the innocent little kiddies into what ever they want.
How to wake up and reverse the trance???
by J-DUBBED inhow do you wake up someone taken from us by these screwed up people?.
our son was hooked by a jw at the age of 25. within 3 months they were married and we never even new about it.
he is now 29 and has nothing to do with his family(except his sister the odd time, when he needs something) of any freinds.. we are lost and have been for four years.. .
Life On Mars!!!
by apostrate ini first heard of this a couple of years ago, i think it is nasa that is sending people to mars to begin a colony on the red planet.
they will never be allowed to return to earth.
i just saw on the morning news that they have 100 people narrowed down who have volunteered.
I wonder if there will be any Jehovahs Witnesses who will be onboard for this adventure?
May as well...........It's like they are aliens from another planet.
How to wake up and reverse the trance???
by J-DUBBED inhow do you wake up someone taken from us by these screwed up people?.
our son was hooked by a jw at the age of 25. within 3 months they were married and we never even new about it.
he is now 29 and has nothing to do with his family(except his sister the odd time, when he needs something) of any freinds.. we are lost and have been for four years.. .
Why would anyone want to bring division in families, make hate speeches, scare people to death, etc? -
How to wake up and reverse the trance???
by J-DUBBED inhow do you wake up someone taken from us by these screwed up people?.
our son was hooked by a jw at the age of 25. within 3 months they were married and we never even new about it.
he is now 29 and has nothing to do with his family(except his sister the odd time, when he needs something) of any freinds.. we are lost and have been for four years.. .
This is the person who is getting his rocks off and is the mother of his child (and unless she's an old tyme JW, she is blowing his skin flute) and you think you are going to alienate him from her???
That's one thing I believe for sure is he was pulled to her by the "Cult Crap" and not lust. This one is not that great looking. He had numerous skin-flute blowers that were like models........and had brains and personalities. I believe if he wakes up from the "Cult Crap" he will open his eyes in the bedroom and .......RUN. If this Cult can steer you from your born and raised life, family and friends (you had all your life), then they sure can blind side anything in your vision.
I also believe I will get the right advice from a complete "Ex J-Dub". Someone that's been through it but now completely out. Not someone that's still part of the J-Dub Club. I think their opinions are just a bit of a conflict of interest.
How to wake up and reverse the trance???
by J-DUBBED inhow do you wake up someone taken from us by these screwed up people?.
our son was hooked by a jw at the age of 25. within 3 months they were married and we never even new about it.
he is now 29 and has nothing to do with his family(except his sister the odd time, when he needs something) of any freinds.. we are lost and have been for four years.. .
then raise questions that they cannot easily answer, or that causes them to think.
I can agree to that..............But what are some of the "Simple" questions? I'm not good at quoting Bible scriptures back and forth.
How to wake up and reverse the trance???
by J-DUBBED inhow do you wake up someone taken from us by these screwed up people?.
our son was hooked by a jw at the age of 25. within 3 months they were married and we never even new about it.
he is now 29 and has nothing to do with his family(except his sister the odd time, when he needs something) of any freinds.. we are lost and have been for four years.. .
Yeah, thanks................Doc. You're a big influence. I'll keep that in mind.
Unlike many that have been able to help me with this life changing experience.....
Maybe you should STFU if you've got nothing contribute to my problem. I guess that's what happens when you're latched onto by a J-Dub Wifey........You may have a bigger problem than me.
It can't get much worse. It's like he's been dead for four years.
JDUB, you don't even have a glimmer of hope until you get this all figured out, but I suspect you will f*** it all up before then.
You had best STFU and quit being controversial
How to wake up and reverse the trance???
by J-DUBBED inhow do you wake up someone taken from us by these screwed up people?.
our son was hooked by a jw at the age of 25. within 3 months they were married and we never even new about it.
he is now 29 and has nothing to do with his family(except his sister the odd time, when he needs something) of any freinds.. we are lost and have been for four years.. .
Could this be asked to him? Safely? Or worded different?
Also, it is interesting that, whilst most JWs criticize celebrating birthdays, they have no trouble celebrating wedding anniversaries which are simply "birthdays" of the wedding day.
How to wake up and reverse the trance???
by J-DUBBED inhow do you wake up someone taken from us by these screwed up people?.
our son was hooked by a jw at the age of 25. within 3 months they were married and we never even new about it.
he is now 29 and has nothing to do with his family(except his sister the odd time, when he needs something) of any freinds.. we are lost and have been for four years.. .
just learn and practice as much as you can about empowering his authentic persona to critically think for himself and what to say to reach his authentic persona and how to turn-off his cult persona
What would some of those questions be? I don't have bible scriptures in my head to refer to. Even though I was brought up a Roman Catholic, I do not "Study" the bible. I do not even go to church anymore other than basically for weddings or funerals. In our last conversation with our son, he wanted to show us scriptures in the Bible that are the same as any ones Bible. I said I wasn't interested as I don't live my life by what some one wrote in a Bible. He thinks he's going to come back after death and live in a beautiful world. I said to him do you really believe like they print on their pamphlets, that you're coming back to bounce balls off elephants and pet tigers? He basically said yes that's the way it is. He said his father in law actually cured all his problems by sitting down with him and going through the Bibles. His father in law even apparently did some "Marriage" counciling for him and his new wife to help fix their "Love Life".
This is so wacked out that it's hard to keep control of emotions.