JW Takes her life with a train
This was pretty "Hush-Hush" but I know about this from an inside source where she worked at Canada Post. The big thing is it really emotionally fucked up the train engineers involved.
thw wts likes to play games with their statistics.
one interesting but truly tragic is the number of jwhovah's witnesses who commit suicie.. now i suspect that if a person commits suicide shortly before or after they are disfellowshipped then the elders would say that person wasn't a witness or that they had done something so terrible that they were too guilty to admit it and by their action of committing suicide they pretty much declared they were no longer a jw.. yup fancy talk to make sure any crap didn't fall on them.. so my question.. do you know of cases like this?
if so then can you answer a few more questions.. had this person been dfed or in real danger of being dfed or whatever the equivalent is if they were never baptized?.
JW Takes her life with a train
This was pretty "Hush-Hush" but I know about this from an inside source where she worked at Canada Post. The big thing is it really emotionally fucked up the train engineers involved.
my wife called me at work saying she is scared after reading today's daily text.
i don't read it anymore, therefore i went online and found this.. tuesday, march 3 .
those days will be cut short.matt.
so do you feel bad throwing away your old literature?.
what about your old song book or bible from your early days in the org?.
if so, is it because of sentimentality, monetary cost or because it might be 'sacred' ?.
if you choose to enter into a discussion on this site and you don't have the time, or patience, or are just too damn lazy to defend your position on any given topic that is perfectly fine.
i'm not going to bash you over the head about it.
however, please don't tell me that i'm "wasting my time" or that the person i'm trying to convince, "will never learn.
how do you wake up someone taken from us by these screwed up people?.
our son was hooked by a jw at the age of 25. within 3 months they were married and we never even new about it.
he is now 29 and has nothing to do with his family(except his sister the odd time, when he needs something) of any freinds.. we are lost and have been for four years.. .
how do you wake up someone taken from us by these screwed up people?.
our son was hooked by a jw at the age of 25. within 3 months they were married and we never even new about it.
he is now 29 and has nothing to do with his family(except his sister the odd time, when he needs something) of any freinds.. we are lost and have been for four years.. .
how do you wake up someone taken from us by these screwed up people?.
our son was hooked by a jw at the age of 25. within 3 months they were married and we never even new about it.
he is now 29 and has nothing to do with his family(except his sister the odd time, when he needs something) of any freinds.. we are lost and have been for four years.. .
Kidding Me, read Steve Hassan's book, Combatting Cult Mind Control. I'm only about 1/2 way through it but it's awesome info on dealing with someone trapped by a cult.
I don't have the books yet......Can't find any available up here in book stores. What's the INFO on dealing with the "Trapped". Is there suggestions to guide you through doing "Self Doctoring"? I did send an E-Mail to Steve Hassan to ask about the costs involved but I never heard anything yet.
how do you wake up someone taken from us by these screwed up people?.
our son was hooked by a jw at the age of 25. within 3 months they were married and we never even new about it.
he is now 29 and has nothing to do with his family(except his sister the odd time, when he needs something) of any freinds.. we are lost and have been for four years.. .
anyone heard of this institution ?
has it been covered on the forum ?.
how do you wake up someone taken from us by these screwed up people?.
our son was hooked by a jw at the age of 25. within 3 months they were married and we never even new about it.
he is now 29 and has nothing to do with his family(except his sister the odd time, when he needs something) of any freinds.. we are lost and have been for four years.. .