As a Witness, I was always amazed at the theme sex took in all things. There were often times, that I felt embarrassed to be sitting in a room with children, while the man on stage discussed masturbation and oral sex. Whether is was presented as sin, or as advice, the fact was that it caused many parents to present information to their children at a age they might not have wanted too.
The sex drive of the human being, is the reason there are nearly seven billion people in this world. If it wasn't for the sex drive, your mom would not have gotten busy with your father and made you the person who can respond and post, today. Yet, people always want to present sex as a sin and something to almost be ashamed of. You should feel guilt that you looked at someone of the opposite sex and felt excited, when all you experienced was a natural reaction of the brain and sex drive that keeps this species growing.
Now I realize, that the argument presented by religion is that sex outside of a marriage relationship is wrong. Yet we should realize or at least acknowledge why this is the case. After all, religion was developed to give moral code. Moral code was often developed to keep the masses healthy. When man went from being a cave dweller or wanderer of the country side, to gathering in masses. It was not exactly the case, that a local health clinic could solve your issues. So often, it was presented by supposed divine enlightenment, that rules suddenly came into place that made people abide by standards that kept them healthier. Because of the high death rate of woman at child birth, men were encouraged to take more then one wife to maintain a female presence to raise what children he had.
Homosexuality's reasons for being classed as a sin, did not have so much to do with the same sex relationships. As much as it had to do with health issues, and the propitiation of the species. As much as we want to seem that we are something better then the beast in the field. At the core to our thinking, is often the same chemical reactions that cause a mammal to mate and create life to keep the species going. As for the relationships that have developed from these chemical reactions, they are really only side points to the basic them. Keep life going from one generation to the next. So basically, if you choose not to do so, it is not something sinful, but rather it is simply growing beyond the animal species we are. In many ways, a person who seeks out relationships that matter, rather then relationships that simple procreate. Is expanding on the human mental condition and not committing the sin that has prejudiced our society, because of the evolution of moral codes into religion.
As a society, we almost seemed condemned to ignore the fact that everything we do, started with something more simple in the past. Even our language, started with grunts and symbols. So we acknowledge this, and yet do we do not realize the reason for why religion exist and we condemn based on old thoughts, that had reasons in the past, yet do not especially apply to this world's culture today. If a person decided to have sex, while not married, or with another person of the same sex. Then modern society has provided the tools to do these acts safely and responsibly, through items and procedures developed by science. Something ancient society did not do, so they did the next best thing, they made it a religious sin and thus controlled through guilt. To get people to do what was healthy.
Isn't it wonderful to realize sometimes, how much further our culture has grown. To not have to rely on such ancient dogma, to keep ourselves healthier and more responsible as humans. Yes a marriage can be a wonderful thing. It can also be hell on earth. Yes having children as a man and woman, in a heterosexual sex act, can be wonderful too. Yet with a society of seven billion, maybe a few less children coming into this world, is a sign of the future and not a sin of the past.
Something to think about, if nothing else. Better then thinking and preaching GUILT!