Where are the liars now?

by spiritwalker 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • spiritwalker

    When I was a child, and being raised a Jehovah's Witness, I remember a lot of key members of the local congregation. There were the elders who always seemed to be there for my family. There were the families that were the central figures of the congregation and even the local Witness community. All of which were seen preaching one solid message from door-to-door and on the platform.

    "The end is near, millions will never need to know what death is like."

    Which, in a online community of former Witnesses, the basic message to what I am saying should be easily understood. Basically, these people were always talking about the last days and they had hope that they would never die. I too, felt this was possible and even imagined seeing these people with me in that paradise earth, that was soon to come. Yet where are those people now, now that I am no longer a Witness?

    The sad truth is this, many of them have grown old and died? They spent all their lives preaching about the end and about the possibility of never dying and yet they are all dying. I am forever reminded when I make this comment, that Noah preached for many years and yet the end took a great deal of time to arrive. Yet the often overlooked part of that illustration is this, "Noah was kept alive in the legend, to see the end, and did not preach about something he would not Witness actually happening." So basically, he got a reward of some kind for his hard work in the legend. What did the Witnesses, I knew so well as a child, get for their hard work?

    Well many got to live a life of no advanced education, no high paying jobs with the possibility of purchasing some items they dreamed of and in some cases the option of raising a family. Why? Because the end was coming the they would not have to experience death. A promise that simply never came true. Does this mean Witness adults lie to children?

    Well I thought about this tonight, as Christmas approaches, and reflected on some reasoning Witnesses used with that holiday. Telling children that Santa Claus is real and then letting them learn he isn't, as they get older, is a very damaging element to grow up with. Something that makes children build a lack of trust for adults in the earlier years of their life. Well, perhaps the blinders are on! Because being told by people I trusted, loved and looked to as an authority. That the end was near and death would not be something many would experience, and then later attending memorial after memorial to their lives. I began to have some trust issues with their message, when hardly any of those people even exist today.

    So perhaps it is time religion, adults and anyone who does the same, to start learning a lesson. Children are only small adults that have not been lied to enough to learn the truth about life. So lie away, but we humans do figure it out in time. Santa is not real, and neither is the paradise earth that is soon to come. They all reside in the imagination and memories. The memories of being told stories by people who only have one location to be seen in now, in the memories of our mind. As they died, even though they said, "they wouldn't!"

  • sens

    stay alive till 75' :P

  • sens

    lmao@ disco song...

  • proudassmonkey

    i used to go out in service when i was really little with a little old lady who was so sure that she was never going to die.... too bad i also went to her funeral. guess she was wrong huh?

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Hi spiritwalker,

    That was a very good post. I relate to it. This is the biggest issue I look back on, and I suppose I still react to it when I discuss it. My family was one of the families your describe, elders, ministerial servants and pioneers. We were all , inclluding most of the extended family, in the truth.

    Most of them dropped out ( mine) or are dead. I ran for my life when I was old enough to think for myself---trading the "pioneer" life for higher education ( another problem I have with JW teaching-lack of education) But the "everlasting life issue" disturbs me the most. It was a core belief from my childhood and to alter a childs perception of the natural order ( life -death) is, in my opinion, wrong; it left me devastated when I LEARNED THE TRUTH in my early 20s. Sounds weird, but life for me had to be relearned.

    I suppose I was fortunate to rein in my life when i was 21, and move in a different direction, Not easy, but can be done. Everyone at some point in their lives, reaches their own assessment period, and their own conclusions.

    what was most important for me during this "crash course" of life, was that MY LIFE would be what I make it. Defining new boundries and literally "reinventing" myself, without the dogma of the Watchtower over my shoulder. There was much good that came out of this experience, and once this was behind me, life took on an even keel; my life actually began.

    I would like to live long enough to see some grandkids---physical fitness and good diet ( not watchtower studies) keeps me healthy and fit---no reason not to live to 100!



  • Mutz

    What makes me sad is to see those older couples who swallowed the bull about armageddon being 'just around the corner' and never made any plans for their retirement. No penison or savings of any kind, just scraping a living on the state pension. How bloody evil those idiots running the WT are to mislead so many with their lies!

  • Nosferatu

    This is an excellent post!

    The sad truth is this, many of them have grown old and died? They spent all their lives preaching about the end and about the possibility of never dying and yet they are all dying

    You'd think that this would be a wakeup call for many. Combine this with Rutherfords message "MNLWND", you'd think it would make a JW stop and think "Wait a minute..." Sadly, for many, it doesn't.

  • Brummie
    The memories of being told stories by people who only have one location to be seen in now, in the memories of our mind. As they died, even though they said, "they wouldn't!"

    This entire post is great spirit. My gran was born in the year 1914 and preached the kingdom message up until her death, her reward was a life of lonliness for the last years she lived, no visits or network of friends, when you havent got youth and the ability to pioneer you are often thrown on the lonely bandwagon. I often wonder if she ever sat back and realised she had been conned by a billion dollar business.


  • gumby
    Telling children that Santa Claus is real and then letting them learn he isn't, as they get older, is a very damaging element to grow up with.

    Myself and my 4 siblings never experienced the sadness of learning Santa isn't real. I suppose some children get down when they find out, but as for me.....I have never met any.

    I never considered it a lie myself ( in the same sense of other lies), but I do respect others who feel it is.

    Finding out our lifelong dream and promise of a paradise earth isn't going to be a reality, was not as hard for me as was finding out the bible was bull. Now all our answers to life is out the window and there is absolutely NO direction to answers to lifes questions. That was the biggy for me.

    My mom had 8 siblings.....all raised as dubs. All but 3 NEVER had kids. They didn't have any because at that time.........you were considered weak and lacked loyalty if you had children. They died lonely.


  • Scully

    I can really relate to the comments regarding a child learning that "Santa Claus" isn't real. I remember how upsetting it was to find that out.

    It was equally upsetting to discover that the Promises? of Living Forever in Paradise on Earth? and Surviving Armageddon? were also not real. Being an adult at the time, I blamed myself a great deal for falling for those Promises? and not recognizing that they were - like the legend of Santa Claus - just stories and lies that were used to manipulate my behaviour. Adults are supposed to be able to recognize bull$h!t, I thought, not swallow it, hook, line, and sinker!

    I spent a few years blaming myself, being very angry with myself and totally depressed. Now I see the problem being with the men at the helm of the WTS who use these Promises? to manipulate people and separate them from their money and their personal potential as human beings.

    Love, Scully

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