I think that JWs are human beings like everyone else. They're just high & mighty with it too!
More likely, they live in their own pathetic little world.
They like to comdemn the whole world for their faults, knowing that they have the same faults. What a hypocrisy!
They smile at worldlies when behind their facade, they are thinking "Go Eat Shit, worldly, because you're gonna die in Armageddon".
They are friendly and polite to non-JWs so that they can convert them and after the non-JW baptizes, these same JWs will show their ugly fangs and claws and the terror starts.
Them, JWs, are like a bunch of ungrateful spoiled little brats when they don't have money, they can get money from the government, but yet keeps on condemning the government. When people like rrmayer and myself go out fighting for freedom, they condemn us yet they enjoy the freedom to practice their religion.
When we, worldlies, critize them and their doctrines, they cry "Persecution".
When we worldlies try to befriend them, they say "NO, we cannot have friends outside of our religion."
Without a lot of these freedoms and living with fear and under the law, JWs are not exactly the "Happiest" people on the planet.
With a mindset thinking on Armageddon and the attitude of "Join us or you will die at Armageddon", JWs are not the most "loving and compassionate" people on the planet.
With a mindset of not helping and shunning the DF'ed, JWs are not the "kindest" people on the planet.
All of that is just an Act to make believe.
Remember, if it looks to good to be true, it is FALSE.