Christine, welcome!!!!
Adam, welcome again!
And Hi, (((((katie))))) :X
ok chrissystar434 is my best friend christine.. she was never a jw- she studied with me for awhile just to hang out.. anyways- she is really shy- so go ahead and talk to her first.. welcome chrissy!!!!!!.
Christine, welcome!!!!
Adam, welcome again!
And Hi, (((((katie))))) :X
i mean in addition to being a pedophile paradise of course.. if you tell a country (mexico) that you are a cultural organization, don't use the bible, or sing, or pray, and you do it for money, then what are you?
i mean you hate all cultures of "the world" so you lied about being a cultural organization, you aren't a religion or you wouldn't have denied your god, your bible, and your prayers.
i guess when you consider the deals made in bulgaria, and the rapid hiding of resources and then campaigning to change the votes in france you could qualify as a political organization.
One main word that you forgot is "Anti-Christians"
as they don't follow Christ, he is mentioned, but he's pushed aside for a man-made organization.
i was raised in a very religiously strict christian home, and have been presbyterian or baptist my whole life.
i have heard nothing but bad things about the jw's.
just recently i have gotten very interested in in learning more about jw, and possibly becoming one.
Please read Galatians 1:6-10. These passages pretty much describe what the WTS and JWs are doing. Believe me, read these passages and you'll see that they are committing a big SIN.
Also, if they preach that God looks at people's heart, they are contradicting themselves when they say that God will kill anybody who is not a JW.
Also, "if God is light and in him there is no darkness", why will he kill people?
If "God is love", why will he kill people?
If "God is love and light", why fear him or live in fear?
Believe me JWs live a legalistic life full of fear.
FEAR is imprisoning, but LOVE is liberating.
some people in this place think that jws break up families.
they say that since jws df unrepentant baptized members and insist on jw family members restricting association with df members that jws try to break up families.
what do you think about this charge?.
Robdar is right!
Therefore, here is my last piece of mind to you non_trias_theos:
How about that for freedom of speech?
If you're replying, then you're using freedom of speech and you're contradicting yourself, TROLL!
some people in this place think that jws break up families.
they say that since jws df unrepentant baptized members and insist on jw family members restricting association with df members that jws try to break up families.
what do you think about this charge?.
It is not a political one. You know it, but you're denying it.
Can you speak?
Can you talk?
If your answer is yes, then freedom of speech is natural.
some people in this place think that jws break up families.
they say that since jws df unrepentant baptized members and insist on jw family members restricting association with df members that jws try to break up families.
what do you think about this charge?.
freedom of speech is natural otherwise, I cannot express anything that comes to my mind.
If it is political, it is because people try to suppress it therefore, it is natural.
some people in this place think that jws break up families.
they say that since jws df unrepentant baptized members and insist on jw family members restricting association with df members that jws try to break up families.
what do you think about this charge?.
CAn you prove it is not natural and God-given?
You cannot prove it too.
hi guys.
i have been showing my friends this place because i talk about it alot and i am always on the internet when they call.
plus i asked my friend christine to come with me to dallas in august.. so anyways, my friend adam told me the other day that he registered here so he could learn more about the "jehovah's"!.
Welcome, Adam!
some people in this place think that jws break up families.
they say that since jws df unrepentant baptized members and insist on jw family members restricting association with df members that jws try to break up families.
what do you think about this charge?.
Use your free speech. But just remember that everybody will render an account to God for how they chose to use their free speech.
Oh yes... I will remember it, but will You?
Everybody also includes you and the other JWs. So, remember what you are gonna tell prospective recruits when you go to Field Service and watch out how are you gonna apply Theocratic Warfare as you're doing now.
As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.Galatians 1:9
some people in this place think that jws break up families.
they say that since jws df unrepentant baptized members and insist on jw family members restricting association with df members that jws try to break up families.
what do you think about this charge?.
It is not necessarily a natural or God-given right.
How do you know that? OR Is that your opinion?
As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.Galatians 1:9