MNIONC: I texted this brother last night and said that we need to talk THIS WEEK. He texted that he would get back to me. We'll see what happens.
Agreed with Oub.....
This guy is just putting you off and laying claim to the superior position by making you wait for him.....probably for a time when it would be convenient for him to have another brother around so that they can tag team you with WT bullshit. He's wearing you down....making you play the waiting game because as long as you do and are willing to wait he can extract more concessions out of you.
The son being your step son does put you in a somewhat sensitive and somewhat emasculating position even though you've been father to the boy for most of his life. Its a disheartening thing to see.
From the looks of it, it doesn't matter what you do, there is going to be considerable and significant blowback. You seem to be waiting for the right time and sequence of things to the meantime you're losing sleep and worrying yourself sick over the way you are being treated. As Dr. Phil would say...."Hows that working out for you?"
You probably need to take some kind.....any kind of concrete action if not for your son or your wife's sake, but for your own and fiure out a way once and for all to put this behind you.
"if it's going down, let's get it over with".