How very interesting thats its almost dead even! Gender dosent seem to play role, at least with the informal statistics gathered so far :) thats why this is interesting to me. We may have a suspicion or a gut feeling but looking at the hard data can really shake those and give valuable insight amd i absolutly LOVE this kind of data!
as an aside on the 'women are more emotional' debate.... I have seen anecdotal evidance both for and against that.... My own dear mother can be the most logical rational ruthless person i know (i dont mean that derogatoraly at all nor do i mean to suggest she dosent express love) wheras my father can be rather impulsive and emotional at times. Conversly i know my share of women who fit the protypical emotional woman stereotype. Confirmation bias can really skew our views on these things and i realized long ago that trying to put someone in a catagory for any reason, be it gender race ethnicity etc etc is to sell them and me short. I let people show who they are via word and deed. Its all i ask for myself, its only fair to give them the same chance.