JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
Send In The Clowns
by OneFingerSalute inas i sat through another mind numbing sermon this morning i could not help thinking that the speaker was a total clown.. lime green suit, white shirt, yellow tie, blue socks barely higher than his ankle, brown shoes, and an orange cast.
all that was missing was a big red rubber nose!
and of course everyone remarked what a wonderful talk he gave.
i didnt want to laugh.... i really didnt.... but those two meme just made me pee myself! the clown one especially.... -
Shorter meetings for field service
by hoser inmarch kingdom ministry insert is about how the field service meetings will be shortened from 10 to 15 minutes down to 5 to 7 minutes.
they want the publishers to report more hours.
in my experience the problem isn't the length of the meeting for service but pioneers and publishers dogging it after the service arrangement.
i will counter WT wizards experiance with mine.... i too made it a point to say "we are gone within the allotted 15min" and i stuck to it.... the net result...? few showed up on time and most just meet us in the territory. its a waste anyway you look at it. a 5 min meeting just isnt worth peoples time and never will be. They will rightly ask themselves: what am i missing...? and the answer is: nothing. why not save a trip and drive strait to the territory...? -
I Have a Terminal Illness
by berrygerry infirst off, no, i don't have one.. but, was researching, and this article "when a loved one leaves jehovah" ( sep 1, 2006, p. 17 ), has a box "have you left jehovah.".
this box includes: "you cannot know if you will even be alive tomorrow.
(psalm 102:3; james 4:13, 14) one man who was diagnosed with a terminal illness said: this illness caught me serving jehovah full-time, with no skeletons in my closet.
I get the level of contempt over a life wasted but the remark, in and of itself, isnt all that remarkable. A large number of church goers express sentiments like that. a nice woman I work with, main stream christian, had her husband die unexpectedly a few weeks ago. I expressed my sympathy and her self comforting words were "at least he was right with the lord". When faced with the loss of our life or someone we love its natural to gravitate towards that which comforts us -
Are the Governing Body the ultimate 'predators' on planet earth?
by Esse quam videri inif you answer 'yah', why do you so answer ?
dont be silly. none of the aged homo sapiens on the gb has shown any unique predatory instinct.
i would nominate either carcharodon carcharias or crocodylus porosus. lots of other worthy nominees though
Disfellowshipped for Tattoos??
by Lynnie inare getting tattoos a disfellowshipping offense?
i know several jw's that have them but i always thought they were totally taboo.
what do you guys know about this?
negative. not a df issue. as others have noted they would have chats and would likely view you as shady but no official action. also whomever said beards are dfing offense is dead wrong. they are frowned on in the states and you wont be viewed as exemplary but certainly not df worthy ever. -
JW's mentioned on Radio4 as being resistant to reporting child abuse.
by floriferous inhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b055dttx.
the government has announced plans to make it a legal obligation for social workers, teachers and councillors to report child abuse.
the churches' child protection advisory service has called for the proposed law to apply to churches.
in england, the mayflower....? im a bit lost on that referance i must say -
Is there a Child Molester on the Governing Body?
by TTATTelder ingreat report by abc on the abuses in jw-dot-org land.... i hope it opens a "floodgate" of future news reports and exposes.
if you ask yourself, "why hasn't the watchtower leadership changed their policy on the 2 witness rule?
if one or more persons on the gb has victims out there that can't come forward because of the 2 witness rule, then that would explain the permanent road block to policy change that is obviously in place.
is it "possible"? of course its possible. wirhlut being overly sarcastic there are a great many things that are possible, but not likely.
you referanced an occam's razor, the simplest answer being the most likely. the simplest answer is that the gb are old men with power, beholden to the idea that they represent the one true god and the standard set is the right one. they also may fear changing policy now would would be to admitt they were wrong before and thus expose them to liablity. those seem to be the most basic, logical reasons rather some secret fear of being exposed via a rule change they can prevent.
that is not to say i think its impossible one of them could be a pedophile. they are human and its certainly possible. it just dosent seem the most likely explanation for their reluctance to modify church policy.
Borg music video a real tear-jerker
by Slave4_38y inthis is a must watch video.
it brought tears of laughter!.
"he lyrics talk about the best choice I can make. As a Jehovah's Witness I know first hand the social pressure to conform is strong. The choice was made by the organization for the girl to skip college and the man to turn down the overtime job. It wasn't their choice"
yep. i also agree with simon on why struggling with doctrine is so hard. its not the main appeal for many.
Factions, or flip-flops, or both?
by Fernando indo the individual article writers have persistently opposing views, or do they each just flip-flop between opposing views?.
what have you observed?.
in the old days (pre 1980's) it was very much individuals having views. now there a lot more standardization, a lot more people read, review and approve before publication. its why the articles seem so much more homogeneous, very bland. by the time they are written, scrubbed for controversy and approved by legal and the gb, they are tepid at best.
the truth of their views seems to be much more on display when they speak in public like the j w o r g talks, zone visits etc etc
KH 1st timer, could use some advice
by rathernotsay inhey people, .
i am soon going into a kh for the first time and i could use some advice around etiquette etc.
i know next to nothing besides the fundamental beliefs of jws, i personally dont believe in any religion, and that stance isnt ever going to change, however i don't want to come across as rude or disrespectful.
in your last thread you asked if you should make her leave her religion to prove her faithfulness. now your suggesting you may go to the hall instead. there seems to be a disconnect in these thoughts, a lack of vision or pathway to restore your relationship and your flittering from one extreme to another in an attempt to simply try something, anything, to make it work.
this seems a bad idea. going will only give her hope you will join the church and will validate her desire to keep going. you two have much bigger issues with her being so much younger than you and both of you seeming a bit unprepared for the demands of marriage and parenthood.
professional counciling will help vastly more than a trip to her local cult recruiting center.