JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
Why did the org "forgive" KH mortgages?
by Magnum ini know this has been discussed, but i think it's good that topics like this get brought back up from time to time for the sake of newbies and lurkers, plus, i have a question (related at end of post).. the org brags about "forgiving" kh mortgages as if it's so loving and giving.
i put the word in quotation marks because most of us realize it wasn't forgiving anything.
the new arrangement should actually bring it far more money.. for example, suppose there are twenty congregations total.
To top it off the obvious is being overlooked: The money that was "loaned" to congregations was donated to the org by congregation to begin with. The org does not generate income. They have no money to lend.... So to sumerize congregations donate money to the org. The org "loans" it back to congregations to build a KH.... A kingdom hall the org itself OWNS lock stock and barrel! Its is the ultimate scam. -
I have been blocked!!!
by username inas the title eludes, i have been blocked from a website, the cheek of it.
what site you may ask?
i was blocked from a active jwforum, i haven't even posted any comments yet haha!
im no fan of cedars but in fairness there is significant differance between accepting donations from people and guilting little kids for ice creaming money. Signifigant differance. -
It Is Official, Just as Predicted on this Site... Local Cong Donates all Monies on Deposit with You Know Who!
by RichardHaley inmy local cong just donated all money (4k +) on deposit with you know who to, you know who.
"since the society forgave all kingdom hall loans the boe felt it only appropriate to forgive the society of our loan to them.
" is exactly how it was presented to the r&f.
@listener- the current rumored structure is to be all donations sent to the branch, local LDC pays bills and of course local LDC is branch appointed and accountable. The rationale is if a congregation sends ALL money to the branch there is no '3 month reserve' clause to allow congregations to decide how much to keep. There is alao a feeling that many congregations "misuse funds" slyly, buying pioneer dinners, throwing congregation picnics etc etc. they also simply want ALL funds available immediatly instead of a trickle through the cingregation process. Again, its all a "plan" but it being discussed somewhat seriously... -
It Is Official, Just as Predicted on this Site... Local Cong Donates all Monies on Deposit with You Know Who!
by RichardHaley inmy local cong just donated all money (4k +) on deposit with you know who to, you know who.
"since the society forgave all kingdom hall loans the boe felt it only appropriate to forgive the society of our loan to them.
" is exactly how it was presented to the r&f.
To richard and all... Some clarificarion is needed here... Its actually NOT official at all. This was the decision of one BOE, not an official org policy to send them all congregation funds.
The reason im clarifying is because at some point it is expected it WILL be made official. All funds will go to the branch and the branch will pay local bills (power, water etc), keeping the entire remainder for whatever purpose they wish. Hopefully when that happens it will wake some (although it wont be many) but to be clear this has not happened yet.
does us Bethel Rachel oily racially reflect the publishers in us
by poopie inyour thoghts racially not oily
Translation please -
by OportoGirl inboa tarde, sera que existem membros no forum que pertencam a congregacoes em portugal?
procuro novas amizades, edificantes e verdadeiras.
mais aqui falam Inglês, mas é um grupo grande, por isso nunca se sabe! as boas-vindas e desejo-lhe tudo de melhor -
"This Generation"-- New Light AGAIN
by FusionTheism innew "jesus--the way" book, pages 258-259: .
"truly i say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.matthew 24:32-34. thus, when his disciples see the many different features of the sign being fulfilled, they should realize that the end is near.".
so now "this generation" is simply the disciples who see all the many different features of the sign?.
I can see that, cappy and OTWO. Especially with regard to printing things generically so as to allow for future changes which is sort of my point. If they believed the overlapping thing was long term why not print it there...? Instead its gone from both the insight book and the revised greatest man book. I cant help but feel this signals a change is imminent, although i freely admit that there is some wishful thinking on my part thrown in... -
"This Generation"-- New Light AGAIN
by FusionTheism innew "jesus--the way" book, pages 258-259: .
"truly i say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.matthew 24:32-34. thus, when his disciples see the many different features of the sign being fulfilled, they should realize that the end is near.".
so now "this generation" is simply the disciples who see all the many different features of the sign?.
Thats my question/speculation blondie. It dosent specifically undo the overlapping nonsense but it is conspicuous by its absence -
"This Generation"-- New Light AGAIN
by FusionTheism innew "jesus--the way" book, pages 258-259: .
"truly i say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.matthew 24:32-34. thus, when his disciples see the many different features of the sign being fulfilled, they should realize that the end is near.".
so now "this generation" is simply the disciples who see all the many different features of the sign?.
Wow.... I need to read that (my head hurts just thinking about thinking about that) but that may be all i need to exit stage right, through the door even.... -
Doing away with Calculating How Close we are to THE END
by FusionTheism inthe watchtower study edition, august 2015, "keep in expectation!
" article:.
paragraph 3: "after looking forward to the end of this system for what may seem to be a long time, however, some may wonder, do we still have sound reasons to keep in expectation?
Im not sure i can catagorize this as 'new light' per say becuase it just typical FOG from a cult, but it does seem to lend itself towards a future official revision of the generation teaching. On a personal note i really really need these sons of bitches to revise that crap. As soon as that wt comes out im officially done. I have made such a stink over that amongst those i care about, for it to be officially change will be all i need to be 'stumbled' out of this god forsaken cult. Please please please brooklyn publish something official on that!!!!