"Oh, by the way, parking really sucks this year. They are doing construction in the area and some streets around the venue are closed. At least no one was working Friday and I didn't burn a vacation day."
nice. Son of a bi%%%%%%%%
so i went to the rc this past weekend and have a few observations:.
1 - use of videos - most parts had some sort of video prop.
they ranged from awkward (an example was on friday where they showed scenes of nature without a real purpose other than god made this) to very well done.
so i went to the rc this past weekend and have a few observations:.
1 - use of videos - most parts had some sort of video prop.
they ranged from awkward (an example was on friday where they showed scenes of nature without a real purpose other than god made this) to very well done.
Wow knowing the venue you were at 5900 is light.... Hopefully its the same when i trek down there...
the wt today was horrific.
i was jumping out of my skin.
the writing department has hot to have some lose cannons writing.
And lest we forget this jewel from the writing department: if sarah had banged pharoh it would have made her impure and unable to be the bearer of abrahams seed.... Just wow. So abraham can bamg all the servant girls he wants and hes fine to be the progenitor of the messiah bit of his wife bangs another guy it makes her impure and unqualified..... Please please dear god make these assholes think.
the wt today was horrific.
i was jumping out of my skin.
the writing department has hot to have some lose cannons writing.
in another thread i wrote some notes about why using jehovah in english is as good as using yahweh.
i'm starting a discussion on this topic because it sounds quite ignorant to hear people talk of the monk who started using it in latin without really understanding why the monk did so.. the spanish dominican monk, raymundus martini, in 1270, didn't get hoodwinked by an old jewish superstition about pronouncing the divine name with the vowel points of another word.. 1. first the vowel points of adonay and jehovah cannot be the same for grammatical reasons.
you just can't use the same vowel points because some vowels aren't paired with some consonants in pronouncing hebrew words.
I reject the idea that i or freemind are trolling you. Far from it, we have asked serious questions regarding the very core of the matter. If god is all powerful why is there any question regarding his name whatsoever? If he is not all powerfull then what does the translation of 'yhwh' really matter....?
However, having expressed myself on the notion i will leave you to your sudo scholarship of ancient monks and vowel points
in another thread i wrote some notes about why using jehovah in english is as good as using yahweh.
i'm starting a discussion on this topic because it sounds quite ignorant to hear people talk of the monk who started using it in latin without really understanding why the monk did so.. the spanish dominican monk, raymundus martini, in 1270, didn't get hoodwinked by an old jewish superstition about pronouncing the divine name with the vowel points of another word.. 1. first the vowel points of adonay and jehovah cannot be the same for grammatical reasons.
you just can't use the same vowel points because some vowels aren't paired with some consonants in pronouncing hebrew words.
in another thread i wrote some notes about why using jehovah in english is as good as using yahweh.
i'm starting a discussion on this topic because it sounds quite ignorant to hear people talk of the monk who started using it in latin without really understanding why the monk did so.. the spanish dominican monk, raymundus martini, in 1270, didn't get hoodwinked by an old jewish superstition about pronouncing the divine name with the vowel points of another word.. 1. first the vowel points of adonay and jehovah cannot be the same for grammatical reasons.
you just can't use the same vowel points because some vowels aren't paired with some consonants in pronouncing hebrew words.
in another thread i wrote some notes about why using jehovah in english is as good as using yahweh.
i'm starting a discussion on this topic because it sounds quite ignorant to hear people talk of the monk who started using it in latin without really understanding why the monk did so.. the spanish dominican monk, raymundus martini, in 1270, didn't get hoodwinked by an old jewish superstition about pronouncing the divine name with the vowel points of another word.. 1. first the vowel points of adonay and jehovah cannot be the same for grammatical reasons.
you just can't use the same vowel points because some vowels aren't paired with some consonants in pronouncing hebrew words.
in another thread i wrote some notes about why using jehovah in english is as good as using yahweh.
i'm starting a discussion on this topic because it sounds quite ignorant to hear people talk of the monk who started using it in latin without really understanding why the monk did so.. the spanish dominican monk, raymundus martini, in 1270, didn't get hoodwinked by an old jewish superstition about pronouncing the divine name with the vowel points of another word.. 1. first the vowel points of adonay and jehovah cannot be the same for grammatical reasons.
you just can't use the same vowel points because some vowels aren't paired with some consonants in pronouncing hebrew words.
"My troll brother _Morpheus want to go eat a baby in one of our atheist rituals then have a gay orgy whilst burning the Confederate flag? "
ohhhhh..... Freemind, you had me right uo until the gay orgy part.... Unless its a lesbian orgy in which case i'll bring the baby, you bring the lesbians!
in another thread i wrote some notes about why using jehovah in english is as good as using yahweh.
i'm starting a discussion on this topic because it sounds quite ignorant to hear people talk of the monk who started using it in latin without really understanding why the monk did so.. the spanish dominican monk, raymundus martini, in 1270, didn't get hoodwinked by an old jewish superstition about pronouncing the divine name with the vowel points of another word.. 1. first the vowel points of adonay and jehovah cannot be the same for grammatical reasons.
you just can't use the same vowel points because some vowels aren't paired with some consonants in pronouncing hebrew words.