Im not sure i could exactly define a txt book ‘mary sue’ either, thats why in the discussion regarding rey i prefer to define specifically whats wrong the character, and kylos, for that matter.
JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
Favourite female heroes in film ...
by LoveUniHateExams in... well, obviously not rey (daisy ridley) from the latest star wars films.
she's a complete mary sue.
but, before hollywood tried to force sjw propaganda down our throats, there were lots of powerful, legit female characters in film.. here are some of my favourites .... ripley (sigourney weaver): i though this character was great.
Favourite female heroes in film ...
by LoveUniHateExams in... well, obviously not rey (daisy ridley) from the latest star wars films.
she's a complete mary sue.
but, before hollywood tried to force sjw propaganda down our throats, there were lots of powerful, legit female characters in film.. here are some of my favourites .... ripley (sigourney weaver): i though this character was great.
Is this a Star Wars thread or Favorite female heroes film stars thread ? But I digress
sorry, i didnt realize you being ignored. Was there an actress you wanted to mention that you were prevented from discussing?
Favourite female heroes in film ...
by LoveUniHateExams in... well, obviously not rey (daisy ridley) from the latest star wars films.
she's a complete mary sue.
but, before hollywood tried to force sjw propaganda down our throats, there were lots of powerful, legit female characters in film.. here are some of my favourites .... ripley (sigourney weaver): i though this character was great.
I missed out Yoda. But, based on a qualitative statement by a person who had met ALL of them, Rey is No. 2 and Kylo is No. 1.
ok, nonchalantly dismissing the fact that you missed the most powerful samurai, sorry “jedi”, on your list discredits you quite a bit.
Let me also point out a huge flaw in your logic: luke didn't know any of them at their peak. obi wan was an old man, so old that tarkin said “surely he must be dead by now”. Vader himself said “your powers are weak, old man”. Vader had been nurfed tremendously after mustafar, so much so obi wan described him as “more machine than man now”. He was no longer capable of besting the emperor. Yoda was months from dying of old age.
Luke knew none of them at their peak.
According to starwars lore, anikin was pure power. A vergence. You dont have to like it. You dont even have to accept it, but thats the way it was written and your refusal to deal with it only emphasizes my point. The newer movies have completetly undone the lore of the originals and when someone tries to point it out fan boys of the newer movies melt down. Again, dont blame me for understanding and following along with the plot lines of the originals and being disastified with the changes of the new movies. Dont blame me for seeing the lack of consistency and the inability to stay true to the world originally created.
Some people getting really wound up about children's cartoons here.
1) its not a cartoon, its live action.
2) its not for children, its historical fiction. Its based on actual events that happened a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
Try to keep up.
Did Your Taste In Music Change After You Woke Up?
by pale.emperor inafter i awoken from the cult, i went through the normal process of not knowing who i was and what my tastes where.
looking back this was a wonderful time in my life because i experimented and tried different things and now i like or dislike things because i personally like/dislike them - not because i've been told they're good or bad.. black pudding is an example - it's made of blood and is a popular addition here in britain to fried breakfasts.
i tried it for the first time last year and i can confirm that it is indeed revolting.
Lol not at all! The only thing that changed was was i didnt feel it necessary to turn it down when i pull into the parking lot of the kh.
Canadian Donations
by Lost in the fog ini stumbled upon this charitable status page for canada and thought that i would look for the watchtower society of canada.
as they say the report is incomplete because it lacks the normal auditors process details.
but donations received $64.4 canadian dollars!
One way street has my vote.
Favourite female heroes in film ...
by LoveUniHateExams in... well, obviously not rey (daisy ridley) from the latest star wars films.
she's a complete mary sue.
but, before hollywood tried to force sjw propaganda down our throats, there were lots of powerful, legit female characters in film.. here are some of my favourites .... ripley (sigourney weaver): i though this character was great.
But good, god.....Cruella De Vil was a more intimidating villain
Lol exactly so and for good reason! She was consistant in motive and means. Kylo bounces between pure power and purpose (stopping blaster bolts in mid flight) and pure blubbering crybaby antics. I wanted to slap him multiple times. Its inconsistent and never allows you to learn his character. If they wanted to portray him as an up and comer or perhaps not yet completetly sold his soul there were many better ways to do it than make him so inconsistent. Then when you add in a simple stormer trooper reject hangs with him in a lightsaber fight it becomes laughably stupid. Its like, to use your comparison, one of the Dalmatian puppies single handedly beating up cruella, handcuffing her, reading her rights, conducting the prosecution and being the warden for the duration of her prision sentence.
Favourite female heroes in film ...
by LoveUniHateExams in... well, obviously not rey (daisy ridley) from the latest star wars films.
she's a complete mary sue.
but, before hollywood tried to force sjw propaganda down our throats, there were lots of powerful, legit female characters in film.. here are some of my favourites .... ripley (sigourney weaver): i though this character was great.
And Luke says he has only seen one person more powerful than her; that means it is, in order, Kylo, Rey, Emperor Palpatine, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-wan Kenobi.
And this where i, again, have significant issues with the newer movies and the continuity between the originals. Also, your list is completety wrong and omits a huge, key character.
Vader was, without question, the most powerful “force user” in the star wars galaxy. He was not introduced as such in a new hope but was back storied as such as the movies went along. Vader was far more powerful (that is to say innately talented) than palpatine prior to being crippled on mustafar.
Anikin was vergance in force. Literally an immaculate conception. That was why palpatine wanted him so badly to begin with. That was the whole (clumsily told) plot line of the second three prequals: the battle for anikins soul. The most powerful being in the galaxy being corrupted.
So your list is flawed from the start. Vader is one and its not even close. The list then omits a huge key player in yoda while missing the plot line being followed in the first two movies, that of older martial arts masters taking on singularly gifted students.
Palpatine wasnt “stronger” than yoda nor was yoda “stronger” than palpatine. They are two sides of the same coin, yin and yang, meant to be a balance. The younger yoda lost, as was covered (clumsily) in many ways, because he lost focus on the true nature of things. He lost his balance. Palpatine never cared who won or lost the clone wars. It was irrelevant. He simply wanted to draw the jedi into a conflict they should have never have been in in the first place. He unbalanced them from the light and let them cause their own downfall. That, however, doesn't negate yodas innate strength and mastery of the force. He was palpatines equal all day every day, being the other side of the coin, as it were.
So the list, according to the world lucas made, was vader one, palpatine and yoda sharing a second place as wizened old masters samurai/ninja, followed by their respective students. Luke was so valuable to both sides simply because, as the offspring of someone who was born as a vergance in the force, he would have inherited considerable potential. It is flawed and, once again inconsistent with the established thread of the series, to make kylo (two generations removed) stronger than either his mother (who had never shown more than basic force potential) and had a nonforce sensitive father, and stronger than his grandfather who was the original source of the power, being the result of a vergence in the force.
Again, dont be mad at me for understanding and following along with the plot lines that were established and then, when you try to rewrite them after fact, i call bullshit.
If lucas and disney want to rewrite the starwars universe thats their privilege to do so, and its mine to point out the obvious inconsistencies and lazy slip shod writing.
Favourite female heroes in film ...
by LoveUniHateExams in... well, obviously not rey (daisy ridley) from the latest star wars films.
she's a complete mary sue.
but, before hollywood tried to force sjw propaganda down our throats, there were lots of powerful, legit female characters in film.. here are some of my favourites .... ripley (sigourney weaver): i though this character was great.
Abaddon, it seems we have some common ground, although i have a points of debate and disagreement.
For instance, on the leia scene, you keep refering to “emotion”. I find it impossible to feel good about her survival at the expense of the rules of the world that were created. It was a classic deus ex machina. There were ten thousand ways to handle that without making it such an eyerollingly stupid move. If you like it, your in luck. Its preserved in digital format for your viewing enjoyment for all time. My view of it as poorly planned pandering is unchanged.
As a small aside, we seem to agree on the the influances that drove the original movie. Given that lucas has spoken on this many times it seems like an easy point of agreement.. but you also mention “dune”. Dune was an early 80’s movie. Sw was 1977. Perhaps you have the influances reversed, unless you mean the original serial story of dune. That was late 60’s but your way overselling any influence that had. Lucas clearly took a ton from akira and from Japanese culture. I see very little if any from dunes source material.
Favourite female heroes in film ...
by LoveUniHateExams in... well, obviously not rey (daisy ridley) from the latest star wars films.
she's a complete mary sue.
but, before hollywood tried to force sjw propaganda down our throats, there were lots of powerful, legit female characters in film.. here are some of my favourites .... ripley (sigourney weaver): i though this character was great.
<With the Death Star shot, perhaps he got lucky. Or, seeing as Luke had already been introduced to the Force, perhaps he used the Force.>>
It was the Force - ok, it was the Force. But my point is that an incredibly accurate shot at the Death Star's main reactor could happen by an unskilled person who's luckyPerhaps one or both parties could clarify the debate on this particular point for me as i dont understand what the confusion is.. it was, without any debate at all, a function of the force. Luke is flying down the trench. Hes using the targeting computer as everyone before him has, and going to fail as everyone else has. Obi wan speaks to him and tells him “use the force luke... let go!” . He was echoing the training the he gave him on the falcon earlier when he lowered the blast shield on his helmet. As if that wasnt enough, the scene immediatetly cuts to vader trying to shoot him down and saying “the force is strong with this one”. Luke then switches his computer off and then reaches out with his feelings (uses the force) to make the shot.
what is the debate on this point?
Favourite female heroes in film ...
by LoveUniHateExams in... well, obviously not rey (daisy ridley) from the latest star wars films.
she's a complete mary sue.
but, before hollywood tried to force sjw propaganda down our throats, there were lots of powerful, legit female characters in film.. here are some of my favourites .... ripley (sigourney weaver): i though this character was great.
Ive tried to avoid the particulars of this rey/luke new/old sw debates due to the emotional nature of it and because im more happy talking about good female leads, but let me offer my perspective. As always, this is one mans view only, your results may vary.
My issue with ALL of the movies following rotj (which i wasn't a huge fan of anyway) is that lucas lost the thread of his own story. In short, you cant tell me a story, get me invested in the narative and then call me uncultured when YOU switch the narrative and i dont like it. YOU (lucas) changed the basics of the story. Dont hate me for liking what you originally wrote and not the crap you changed upto.
The sw saga started (as ive explained dozens of times on this jw forum) as a space adaptation of meiji era japan. The end of the era of the samurai. It was a fantastic martial arts epic. It was never “magic”. The force is 100% an adaptation of “ki” or “chi”. Lucas has over and over admitted the influance of akira and his love of Japanese film.
The original two stick closely to this thread and the theme of overthrowing an evil empire with the help of the last of the samurai.. sorry, jedi.
The second three were supposed to tell the story of how a great samurai, sorry jedi, fell from grace and helped overthrow the rightful government and became a despot. It failed. On all counts.
The new stories have no thread related back to the original at all. They want fans to remember the “magic” of the originals but pay no respect to the basic premise = samurai and martial arts.
Leia surviving space has NOTHING to do with space marial arts. Its was pandering to those of us that remembered her from the originals. Dont be mad that i understand her living in the vacuum of space and somehow using the force to pull her self back inside is TERRIBLE story writing.
Kylo is a TERRIBLE villian. His opening scene in tfa was fantastic. He almost immediately turned into a simpering piece of garbage. I want him to die, not because hes a villian, but because hes terribly written and not very well portrayed.
Rey sucks, not because she a woman, but because she sucks. Anikin sucked, not because the kid was a terrible actor or because christain hadenson was awful, but because they deviated from his established story and expected us to forget and be ok with it.
Stop blaming the victims (we the fans) for the crimes of the current movies.