What sort of fantasy world monoply economics do some of you people use for your assumptions?
Let me get this strait.... the wt is collapsing and had to sell brooklyn to cover only a years worth of operating expenses... but somehow selling a few pidley local halls has been so profitable it also kept them going? Ifthey sold every kh in the usa it wouldnt amount to half of brooklyn.
Your (yes im purposely pissing off grammar nazis) the lot of you delusional and not being consistant with your own logic. If selling brooklyn for BILLIONS isnt enough for more than a year than a few local halls for mere 10’s (100’s at most) of thousands is almost not worth the time to discuss. Its a goddamn rounding error in slims delusional wt budget.
And where do you people come up with these imaginary ‘huge cash settlements’? Without cheating and using a search, how many lawsuits can name that the wt lost... answer zero. How many can you name that they settled...? No cheating....
i bet you got one: candace conti. There have been a few others but a very few. Given what conti was awarded by a jury there have been reasonable guesses on the settlement and its nowhere near what any of you think. The wt isnt being hammered with abuse cases.
Try to step back from your wt hate or even your anti wt bias and be logical. They are still growing. Thats the opposite of collapse. Televangelists crying for donations while living a life of luxury isnt new or unuque to the wt. they arent selling assets to cover operating expense since the assets they are selling arnt even close to what you claim their operating expenses are.
The old printing model wasnt working in an increasingly digital world. They are trying to remake themselves and as long as they have people they have money. We will still be arguing this ten years from now. Slim still wont admit he was wrong.