I continue to believe that people who make rediculious comments are just trolling. No one can possibly believe that six year olds are competent to vote. Six year olds have beds times. Why? If allowed, they will stay up all night playing. They dont understand or care about the consequences of staying up late. They are not allowed to pick their own meals, at least without parental input. Why? They would eat junk food all day without thought or understanding as to the consequences.
We could go on and on, but i trust even the trolls have to admit they see the correlation being drawn.
So, that argument having been made, i can state without reservation, the concept of allowing six year olds to vote is indeed retarded. It defies all logic and is a stark symbol of the difference between people who sit on their useless asses “thinking” all day compared to people who are productive and understand the practical implications of basic decisions.
The “professor” should allow six year olds to establish his curriculum. It would be instructive to him and his dumbass concept.