Yea dave prowse (darth vader) is active on FB. Hes worth following for star fans :)
JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
New Star Wars movie trailer
by poopsiecakes inthe first trailer has been released!
true confession - i'm kind of a geek, always loved star wars and it gave me a bit of a lady boner.
anyone who knows the franchise is probably familiar with the character wedge antilles.
DINOSAURS - What do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe?
by Bloody Hotdogs! inas part of my deconversion catharsis, i have been building a(nother) website to highlight some of the more ridiculous jw beliefs.
im a looong way from done, but i wanted some early feedback on one article: dinosaurs.
Wannabe, thats the article i was thinking of.... Older than i remebered, but i guess i am older than i care to remember
DINOSAURS - What do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe?
by Bloody Hotdogs! inas part of my deconversion catharsis, i have been building a(nother) website to highlight some of the more ridiculous jw beliefs.
im a looong way from done, but i wanted some early feedback on one article: dinosaurs.
I actually have to revise my earlier remarks.... I remembered some garbage from a few years ago at the last 'zone meeting' where a gb member reafirmed that dionsaurs were killed in the flood (link to the thread below). The caveat here us that its not in print so their feet cannot be held to the fire for it....
DINOSAURS - What do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe?
by Bloody Hotdogs! inas part of my deconversion catharsis, i have been building a(nother) website to highlight some of the more ridiculous jw beliefs.
im a looong way from done, but i wanted some early feedback on one article: dinosaurs.
I trust blondie to pull the appropriate referances but the last awake published early 2000's left it at "god created them, they died long before man was created and served whatever purpose the desert god intended"
New Star Wars movie trailer
by poopsiecakes inthe first trailer has been released!
true confession - i'm kind of a geek, always loved star wars and it gave me a bit of a lady boner.
anyone who knows the franchise is probably familiar with the character wedge antilles.
I always like reading darth vaders comments on facebook. he started a discussion with the following earlier today:
Great to read your thoughts about the new Star Wars Episode VII teaser trailer. Why was the force asleep? What is going on with that lightsaber cross-guard and who is that wielding it? How practical is that ball droid? Does Han get better reception with the new dish?
Whether you loved the trailer or hated it, it's Star Wars and that can only be a good thing
Keep debating, keep it clean, and MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU - end quotei see he shares some of my reservations which makes him extra kick ass IMHO
New Monthly Report Suggestion!
by The Searcher injust an idea for the weekly g.b.
conclave to consider - unless it's too christian for them to think about!.
paul wrote this to the "israel of god" - galatians 6:2 " go on carrying the burdens of one another, and in this way you will fulfill the law of the christ.".
Its an interesting Suggestion and one touched on in CoC. There was evidently a big dust up when "commentary on james" was written over that very matter. when writting that publication it was argued that reporting if service time was counter to the spirit of the scriptures and removed emphisis from other important aspects of christian living. I agree very much however it goes contrary to the orgs big picture recruiting efforts. The real irony is that by creating closer knit congregations retention, especially of young ones, would be much higher. They are so caught up in running things they cant see the obviousness of the truth
So its the Elders School this Weekend.......
by Slidin Fast inwhat is the focus for this one.
is it "well lads ring the legal department but if anything goes wrong, you are on your own.
the cs deals with all that".
Londo- from the cults perspective, of course. Your results will vary
So its the Elders School this Weekend.......
by Slidin Fast inwhat is the focus for this one.
is it "well lads ring the legal department but if anything goes wrong, you are on your own.
the cs deals with all that".
I dont know about you SHFF but the reaction from the bodies locally was "never again". The cult managed to get the message accross with crystal clarity.
So its the Elders School this Weekend.......
by Slidin Fast inwhat is the focus for this one.
is it "well lads ring the legal department but if anything goes wrong, you are on your own.
the cs deals with all that".
Yea 6 months is too short to show repentance. Two local congregations got their hands slapped by the branch within the last year for reinstating people too quickly. The story is, the branch feels its hard to get df'd now and that mercy is shown so much that if you df'd it must be bad
New Star Wars movie trailer
by poopsiecakes inthe first trailer has been released!
true confession - i'm kind of a geek, always loved star wars and it gave me a bit of a lady boner.
anyone who knows the franchise is probably familiar with the character wedge antilles.
Sorry for being dense but what is GOTG