JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
Nethanyahu speach to US Congress - not in sync with NRA position on weapons
by RubaDub ini don't quite understand why mr. nethanyahu is so fearful if iran or other nations have nuclear weapons.
as the nra espouses, the more people are armed and the more weapons on the street, then the safer we should feel.
we all should have the right to protect ourselves.
Rub, if you would like to discuss gun laws in america you wont be the first start a thread addressing it. That would be a more intelictually honest approach than setting up a false equivalenancy argument with iran V isreal and nuclear arms. Im interested in hearing other views on both topics but this seems like it was a cheap attempt at trading trite campian slogans instead of a real exchange of ideas on either topic. -
Nethanyahu speach to US Congress - not in sync with NRA position on weapons
by RubaDub ini don't quite understand why mr. nethanyahu is so fearful if iran or other nations have nuclear weapons.
as the nra espouses, the more people are armed and the more weapons on the street, then the safer we should feel.
we all should have the right to protect ourselves.
I let the track record speak for itself when it comes to determining "upstanding" or not. Nobody outside the fundamentalist islamic religion would call iran upstanding or responsible or moral, even many iranians themselves as is evidanced by their attempts overthrow the current 'government'.
Im not appoligizing for the USA or any other country or justifying any wars recently fought in that region, im simply commenting on your original post regarding the concept of arming oneself for self defense vis a v the NRA et all.
Nethanyahu speach to US Congress - not in sync with NRA position on weapons
by RubaDub ini don't quite understand why mr. nethanyahu is so fearful if iran or other nations have nuclear weapons.
as the nra espouses, the more people are armed and the more weapons on the street, then the safer we should feel.
we all should have the right to protect ourselves.
While i understand your being sarcastic, i would counter your point as follows:
i believe its the NRA's position that more lawabiding ethical and moral people being able to own guns is good, not criminals.
iran is far from law abiding, moral or ethical. They are an outlaw group at best. Disarming them and ensuring upstanding countries can protect themselves is exactly in like with the NRA's position.
Watchtower switching to selling children's toys that have corporation approval
by Brokeback Watchtower inhey put a good video out about the evil toys on the market and the possibility of making jehovah very very sad by having these things in your house and demons start to party on your sofa.
then wait a couple of weeks and offer a entire line of acceptable toys and charge the hypnotized families a stiff price/suggested contribution.
could make a few million and help pay off some of these child molestation lawsuits.. i can just see tony morris singing 'rubber ducky' and offering the latest marketing scam of a toy that don't make jehovah so sad.
My wife is frightened about the end/ What to say without sounding Apostate?
by suavojr inmy wife called me at work saying she is scared after reading today's daily text.
i don't read it anymore, therefore i went online and found this.. tuesday, march 3 .
those days will be cut short.matt.
I dont mean to sound arrogant but I can tell you exactly what she wants to hear....
"Babe, dont sweat it. we're going to be fine. I got you."
The cult may be fanning the flames but in the end we all have moments of insecurity. Our wifes want us to be their rocks in times of trouble, same way we want them to tell us they still love us and believe in us when we screw up or feel inadequate.
Let her know its all good, come what may. Set the cult crap aside on this one unless she brings up the specifics in which case you can just leave it as 'we will deal with it when we get there. Until then were moving forward' (she dosent need to know forward is away from the cult)
Rational Buddhism?
by cappytan indoes a type of buddhism exist that doesn't include the metaphysical aspects of traditional buddhism?
I became a big fan of zen once i realized TTATT. What i didnt realize was that i was already a fan of zen through exposure in round about ways preawakining. Anything that helps you relate to the world in a positive way is worth exploring, IMHO -
my 10 year old son is paying attention at the meetings
by user100 inthe public talk on sunday was about evolution.. my son pointed out flaws in the speakers arguments during and after the meeting... mostly about how animals aren't able to communicate etc.
he even brought up coco the ape that is able to communicate via sign.. i told him that i heard a ton of inconsistencies but i am afraid to say anything because your mom will get angry :).
im glad he is paying attention.. and the school system must be doing something right..
Dont short change yourself. He felt comfortable talking to you about it. That makes all the differance -
"Happy" Bethelite song update
by thedepressedsoul ini spoke to a very reliable source at bethel and got an update on the happy song that they did.
apparently it was for family night, which is kind of like a talent show they do once a year at bethel.
people make videos, songs etc....
Jake, you just described what i saw at bethel to a "T" -
Why are extraterrestrials pictured in ugly form in movies?
by abiather inhumans have produced many movies on extraterrestrials.
yet all of them are shown in ugly form.
why cant we depict an et more beautiful/handsome than humans.
I think thats more than reasonable
How did you find the truth? - the loaded question.
by user100 inhad dinner this weekend with a jw family and met a bunch of new jws.
one of them who was not very talkative at all and out of the blue asked me how i found "the truth".
i answered how my family has always been starting with my great grandfather.. then he clarified his question.. he said something about how this is a great question and people always talk about their spiritual heritage.
My answer would have been "i found it on the internet". Let him figure it out ;)