@toesup- nailed for me. you cannot have it both ways:
Overall, i was glad candice came off so well spoken and so....."normal". no wild eyed apostate ramblings, just a woman who had been taken advantage of as a child taking a stand now. well done.
i wish there had been some oportunity for the ex jw community to contribute a touch to the reporting side. some of the term they used, like refering to the branch as "watchtower" out of context, will make current jw's quesrion the validity and depth of reporting. it also would have been nice to get them to quote more of the letter to the BO the quote they used was a bit out of context in their use although it was accurate overall. they also refered to twenty cases as "the floodgates opening" which seems a bit sensationalized. i hate to see the point lost by uneeded use of dramatics when candice herself was so well spoken and handled things so nicely. i credit them on the whole with taking this on and im glad the piece aired