Please dont be offended sophia and fae, but in point of fact sophia confirmed they are indeed two seperate issues, as did you fae.
FEARING losing your husband (or wife) is vastly different than yelling "i want a divorce!", which is what sophia said in her original post. Im not trying to parse words or be a stickler but it makes a huge differance. If i may be so bold, what it seems you are saying is that, although you love your husband and want to stay married the stress of him being an uber dubbie makes you want run from it all sometimes..... Which brings us back to my original post:
Wanting a divorce and wanting out of the cult are two seperate issues :)
i would recomend the only course that leads to sanity..... Slowly introducing the idea that you may not agree with everyword printed in a wt mag. Ask him questions to make him think. Frame those questions in a way where you are getting him to explain something to you that you do not understand.... Example: "honey, how did we get to overlapping generations...? I cant understand how that fits with jesus words in mathew or how that matchs what happened in the first centery".
Things of that nature, but of course suited to you. Taking baby steps will helps you retain sanity. It will give you a goal and something to work towards. you never know who will awaken. Many of us on this board were once strongly believing elders like your husband. A little nudge from you may help, it may not, but until you try you cant know for sure.
Because clearly you dont want to divorce him, just the cult ;)