JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
Send In The Clowns
by OneFingerSalute inas i sat through another mind numbing sermon this morning i could not help thinking that the speaker was a total clown.. lime green suit, white shirt, yellow tie, blue socks barely higher than his ankle, brown shoes, and an orange cast.
all that was missing was a big red rubber nose!
and of course everyone remarked what a wonderful talk he gave.
Lol its a good one, but there somethimg priceless about that first clown one.. He has such goodfy expressions in general but that one just killed me -
For all still in.... fakers. Help.
by Sofia Lose inam i alone in this feeling?
i wish i could muster the cojones needed to tell my husband "i want a divorce, move away, not be a jw anymore!".
i find myself screaming these same words over and loud inside my mind, several times a day, and yet on the outside my actions could not be more opposed to these inner feelings.. sometimes i worry that this internal conflict will cause me to go crazy.
Please dont be offended sophia and fae, but in point of fact sophia confirmed they are indeed two seperate issues, as did you fae.
FEARING losing your husband (or wife) is vastly different than yelling "i want a divorce!", which is what sophia said in her original post. Im not trying to parse words or be a stickler but it makes a huge differance. If i may be so bold, what it seems you are saying is that, although you love your husband and want to stay married the stress of him being an uber dubbie makes you want run from it all sometimes..... Which brings us back to my original post:
Wanting a divorce and wanting out of the cult are two seperate issues :)
i would recomend the only course that leads to sanity..... Slowly introducing the idea that you may not agree with everyword printed in a wt mag. Ask him questions to make him think. Frame those questions in a way where you are getting him to explain something to you that you do not understand.... Example: "honey, how did we get to overlapping generations...? I cant understand how that fits with jesus words in mathew or how that matchs what happened in the first centery".
Things of that nature, but of course suited to you. Taking baby steps will helps you retain sanity. It will give you a goal and something to work towards. you never know who will awaken. Many of us on this board were once strongly believing elders like your husband. A little nudge from you may help, it may not, but until you try you cant know for sure.
Because clearly you dont want to divorce him, just the cult ;)
For all still in.... fakers. Help.
by Sofia Lose inam i alone in this feeling?
i wish i could muster the cojones needed to tell my husband "i want a divorce, move away, not be a jw anymore!".
i find myself screaming these same words over and loud inside my mind, several times a day, and yet on the outside my actions could not be more opposed to these inner feelings.. sometimes i worry that this internal conflict will cause me to go crazy.
I can confirm you are not alone. It was at its worst for me when i was an elder and faking it. Once i got out of that it felt much better, like i took a step in the right direction.
I would also point out that wanting a divorce and wanting out of the cult are two seperate issues. perhaps your major concerns arnt exactly what you think they are.....
Epic Discussion ( Confrontation ) with JW Cart People about WT Child Abuse
by flipper inso i had about had enough of reading jw's excuses online about wt child abuse and the candace conti nightline abc video about her case.
this is a really deep burning topic to me as i'm sure it is to many of you.
so today the gloves came off.
Im not going to comment on the whole scenario but what sister head in the clouds said about a molester being asked to phone in is absolutely, positively 100% false and wrong.
MAYBE it happened in her hall, but i strongly doubt even that.
Current policy is the KH is a public place and they are welcome.
This is Anticdotall but a CO even mentioned that pedo's need association and the hall is the "safe" place for that.
i call bull hockey on her story
Send In The Clowns
by OneFingerSalute inas i sat through another mind numbing sermon this morning i could not help thinking that the speaker was a total clown.. lime green suit, white shirt, yellow tie, blue socks barely higher than his ankle, brown shoes, and an orange cast.
all that was missing was a big red rubber nose!
and of course everyone remarked what a wonderful talk he gave.
i didnt want to laugh.... i really didnt.... but those two meme just made me pee myself! the clown one especially.... -
Shorter meetings for field service
by hoser inmarch kingdom ministry insert is about how the field service meetings will be shortened from 10 to 15 minutes down to 5 to 7 minutes.
they want the publishers to report more hours.
in my experience the problem isn't the length of the meeting for service but pioneers and publishers dogging it after the service arrangement.
i will counter WT wizards experiance with mine.... i too made it a point to say "we are gone within the allotted 15min" and i stuck to it.... the net result...? few showed up on time and most just meet us in the territory. its a waste anyway you look at it. a 5 min meeting just isnt worth peoples time and never will be. They will rightly ask themselves: what am i missing...? and the answer is: nothing. why not save a trip and drive strait to the territory...? -
I Have a Terminal Illness
by berrygerry infirst off, no, i don't have one.. but, was researching, and this article "when a loved one leaves jehovah" ( sep 1, 2006, p. 17 ), has a box "have you left jehovah.".
this box includes: "you cannot know if you will even be alive tomorrow.
(psalm 102:3; james 4:13, 14) one man who was diagnosed with a terminal illness said: this illness caught me serving jehovah full-time, with no skeletons in my closet.
I get the level of contempt over a life wasted but the remark, in and of itself, isnt all that remarkable. A large number of church goers express sentiments like that. a nice woman I work with, main stream christian, had her husband die unexpectedly a few weeks ago. I expressed my sympathy and her self comforting words were "at least he was right with the lord". When faced with the loss of our life or someone we love its natural to gravitate towards that which comforts us -
Are the Governing Body the ultimate 'predators' on planet earth?
by Esse quam videri inif you answer 'yah', why do you so answer ?
dont be silly. none of the aged homo sapiens on the gb has shown any unique predatory instinct.
i would nominate either carcharodon carcharias or crocodylus porosus. lots of other worthy nominees though
Disfellowshipped for Tattoos??
by Lynnie inare getting tattoos a disfellowshipping offense?
i know several jw's that have them but i always thought they were totally taboo.
what do you guys know about this?
negative. not a df issue. as others have noted they would have chats and would likely view you as shady but no official action. also whomever said beards are dfing offense is dead wrong. they are frowned on in the states and you wont be viewed as exemplary but certainly not df worthy ever. -
JW's mentioned on Radio4 as being resistant to reporting child abuse.
by floriferous inhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b055dttx.
the government has announced plans to make it a legal obligation for social workers, teachers and councillors to report child abuse.
the churches' child protection advisory service has called for the proposed law to apply to churches.
in england, the mayflower....? im a bit lost on that referance i must say