Hmmm it seems your user name got cut off. Clearly it should read "whenindoubtbeasanctamoniousasshole"
She didnt ask for absolution from anyone, let alone the people you try to derogatorily describe as "apostates athiests and evolutionists".
She was attempting to have a reasonable discussion.
You also very clearly do not your god or his representatives. At mathew 10:34 jesus plainly stated he came to divide and put a sword.
Further, in your arrogance and rush to be smug, its obvious you didnt actually read anyones response before catagorizing them as "apostate athiest evolutioniest ". As unappealing as your arrogance and lack of compassion and humanity are, we agree: communication with her husband is the only real solution.
Now im left wondering... Does that make you an apostate athiest evolutioniest...?
@sofia- im not a physiologist, nor do i play one on TV, so i wont pretend to diagnose your feelings or even claim i understand them 100%, my point is: dont lose hope :)