@steve, i agree ots the story of christianity in a broad sense, amd other religions as well. Its the cult aspect that chaps my ass on this issue. For example, after my grandfather died, there were pmenty of coworkers who put an arm around me and said 'morpheus, hes in a better place' or 'hes looking down on you' etc etc. these are, in a round about way, proselytizing type remarks. They are promoting that persons brand of religious belief.
it didnt bother me because it was offered personally and with no expressed or implied expectation that i would accept their world view on it. It was simply their way of cooping with loss and they shared it by way of condolance to me, free of obligation as it were. (For the record i wasnt distraught or falling apart, he was ill and we knew it was comming).
Whats so agrivating is the lack of any real care or compassion. The dubbies are simply capitalizing on a persons potential grief as way to introduce the cult. They dont actually care one wit about you or emotional state, its just an oportunity.