Public land? Rotfl. You just showed how ignorant you are of this situation.
1) it very plainly is NOT public land. Its a privatly owned and run community pool.
2) disturbing the piece and public land are not mutually exclusive. People are arrested all the time for distubing the peace on both public and PRIVATE property. Owning the land does not give you the right to disturb the peace on it. They clearly were breaking the law as house parties for decades have done. They get shut down all the time. Nobody cries.
Paul.... You have word i will read your racist cry baby 'oh poor me' article when i can make the time and when i think i can stomach it. The fact is i was busy living it and dont really care what justification race baiters make for how my parents ended up there. I only know that i controlled my life as best i could and many others have too, thus i dont live there anymore.