JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
McKinney Texas pool party?
by Marvin Shilmer inso today i was asked my thoughts on the pool party incident in mcminney, texas.
my response: it shows a clash of expectations.
i saw police officers who expected citizens to listen to and follow instructions.
Cops murdering people on a weekly basis???? .....i just cant. Im going to slowly back away from the insanity. Maybe get something productive done instead of arguing on the internet. I wish you a happy day. I will check back in on the insanity when ive earned a paycheck -
McKinney Texas pool party?
by Marvin Shilmer inso today i was asked my thoughts on the pool party incident in mcminney, texas.
my response: it shows a clash of expectations.
i saw police officers who expected citizens to listen to and follow instructions.
Sigh.... No, not all sidewalks are "private property". Some, however, are community property. You arnt trespassing walking on them if you are memeber of the commuity or a guest of someone in the community.
Also, to correct my mistaken co-poster, im focusing on that particular point because its exactly how the community in question is set up. Its also a direct rebuttal to your claim that "no law was broken". Indeed they were broken. The police responded to the call as required. Had that disrespectful young lady walked away and addressed whatever wrong she felt had been done in the proper forum it would have been resolved without her being man handled.
to my co-poster( clearly you seem to think you speak for me) paul... You clearly know nothing about this forums politics. I am a peoples rights small government gun toting america first libertarian guy. Simon is a brittish big government anti gun liberal guy. The only two things we agree on are TTATT and this. Ive never meet simon and likely never will, given the geographic constraints. its his forum and i respect the rules as he sets them.... But his view, marvins view anybodys view means diddly to me.
Nice try setting up a strawman to discount the obviousness of the truth: they were breaking the law. They could have just walked away and laughed. They were stupid and paid a small price for a valuable lesson.
McKinney Texas pool party?
by Marvin Shilmer inso today i was asked my thoughts on the pool party incident in mcminney, texas.
my response: it shows a clash of expectations.
i saw police officers who expected citizens to listen to and follow instructions.
Your doing a fine job making yourself look like an idiot. you also clearly dont understand how communities are structured in the USA. No land is "public" in a community. Land is owned by specific people (in the case of houses) or by the community in the case of so called "common areas". That land is governed by tenants all agree to and sign when moving into the community. They were both trespassing and disturbing the peace.
McKinney Texas pool party?
by Marvin Shilmer inso today i was asked my thoughts on the pool party incident in mcminney, texas.
my response: it shows a clash of expectations.
i saw police officers who expected citizens to listen to and follow instructions.
Public land? Rotfl. You just showed how ignorant you are of this situation.
1) it very plainly is NOT public land. Its a privatly owned and run community pool.
2) disturbing the piece and public land are not mutually exclusive. People are arrested all the time for distubing the peace on both public and PRIVATE property. Owning the land does not give you the right to disturb the peace on it. They clearly were breaking the law as house parties for decades have done. They get shut down all the time. Nobody cries.
Paul.... You have word i will read your racist cry baby 'oh poor me' article when i can make the time and when i think i can stomach it. The fact is i was busy living it and dont really care what justification race baiters make for how my parents ended up there. I only know that i controlled my life as best i could and many others have too, thus i dont live there anymore.
McKinney Texas pool party?
by Marvin Shilmer inso today i was asked my thoughts on the pool party incident in mcminney, texas.
my response: it shows a clash of expectations.
i saw police officers who expected citizens to listen to and follow instructions.
they were committing a crime. Its called disturbing the peace and trespassing. Its the same premise used to shut down house parties when they get out of hand. -
McKinney Texas pool party?
by Marvin Shilmer inso today i was asked my thoughts on the pool party incident in mcminney, texas.
my response: it shows a clash of expectations.
i saw police officers who expected citizens to listen to and follow instructions.
Wow where does one start.... So much anger and nonsensical stawmen...
forced into ghettos in baltimore.... Wow. I guess i missed the roundup. The fences and barbed wire that keep them there. The armed guards.
No thats a hell of their own making. I grew up in an ubran ghetto. About a quarter of my HS graduating class is dead and another quarter locked up. But a lot of us got out. We made smart decisions and made no excuses. Life isnt perfect but we made something of it. Damn anyone who dosent take responsiblity for their own life.
As for for the little girl who got man handled.. She asked for it. Yep yep. Sure enough. Anyone from the block with half a brain knows thats when the police show up its time to go.... If they show up and tell you to leave and dont detain you you just got a free pass. Only a fool would keep mouthing off. Darwins law. She clearly isnt smart enough, either book smart or street smart, to be useful to society. Just what we need, another little spoiled brat feeling entittled to mouth off.. And tragically she wont learn a lesson from this. Fools like you will tell her it wasnt her fault. It was the system. And she will feel justified and do it again.
Kingdom Hall Sale Proceeds
by The Searcher injust spoke with a relative who's been serving as an elder for decades.
when i innocently asked him why a congregation which was "merging" with his congregation could not use their sale proceeds to jointly purchase an urgently needed new k.h.
between them, he said, "it doesn't work that way; whenever a k.h.
Every word youve written is factual. All those changes have happened (in the USA at least) in the last 5 years. The sad truth though is that even as many elders i know are disturbed by it, they see it "making sense" to consolidate assets and help those who need it more, let the branch decide whats best in big picture etc etc. They are so invested emotionally in the system they wont allow themselves to consider even for a second that the system is corrupt. The only option is for the system to be just and they simply dont understand the big picture. -
McKinney Texas pool party?
by Marvin Shilmer inso today i was asked my thoughts on the pool party incident in mcminney, texas.
my response: it shows a clash of expectations.
i saw police officers who expected citizens to listen to and follow instructions.
Very nice summary! I hope your town fairs better than baltimore -
McKinney Texas pool party?
by Marvin Shilmer inso today i was asked my thoughts on the pool party incident in mcminney, texas.
my response: it shows a clash of expectations.
i saw police officers who expected citizens to listen to and follow instructions.
Its telling that nobody who is attacking the police want to revisit baltimore. That situation has gone to hell in a handbasket. Good job to all who interfered there! -
Schoolyard bully mentality
by FusionTheism ini'm not naming names, but i just want to encourage people on here or on reddit or twitter, and tell you that you do not have to tolerate people who act like schoolyard bullies in the way they speak to you online.
i think anonymity is a big part of it.
they feel like there is zero accountability so they can be a bully all they want.. i recommend just ignoring or blocking anyone who is verbally abusive or treats you like schoolyard bullies treated you.. life is way too short to spend any time dealing with those kinds of people..